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Fishy Kiss, August 3 Housing Hike
GrottoMonster, August 3 Housing Hike
Aquarium, July 13 Housing Hike
Coral Beach, July 13 Housing Hike
Argonian Waterfall, July 20 Housing Hike
Bouldertree Pond, August 10 Housing Hike
JusticePlague’s Malacath Makeover, Winner for Best Facial Hair!
Sunken Ship, October 12 Housing Hike
Hircine Homage, October 12 Housing Hike
Aquarium! HFB Housing Hike
Deadly Fish Islands! HFB Housing Hike
Curved Aquarium, November 16 Housing Hike
Outdoor Aquarium, December 21 Housing Hike
Fishing and Drinking, January 4 Housing Hike
Orcish Couches, January 4 Housing Hike
Internet Pub Revisited, February 15 Housing Hike
“Salmon Enchanted Evening”, February 15 Housing Hike
3rd Place Winner: agrivar, Forest Pools
Runner-up: delphinnia, Dibella Fountain
Runner-up: snowfaeriewings, Inside the Aquarium
Coral Retreat, April 12 Housing Hike
Hallelujah Mountains of Pandora
Sisters of the Sandy Bottom, April 19 Housing Hike
Meridia’s Colored Rooms, April 19 Housing Hike
Villa Aquarium, April 26 Housing Hike
Serene Pool
Earth Day PSA, May 10 Housing Hike
Tel Galen Aquarium, June 7 Housing Hike
Silvervind’s Grand Psijic Villa
Gorak60, Hall of the Lunar Champion
Tel Galen Boat, July 12 Housing Hike
Xanmeer Viewing Area, July 12 Housing Hike
Fishy Tank, July 26 Housing Hike
Not-So-Hidden Cave, July 26 Housing Hike
Hideaway Cave, August 2 Housing Hike
Swankery, Treasure Room
ShadowOfMen, Treasure Room
Mermaid Ruins, August 16 Housing Hike
Underwater Throne, August 16 Housing Hike
Fishing Hole, Inns/Apartments Tour
Full Aquarium, EHT Celebration
Lively Pet Shop, EHT Celebration
Dungeon Roleplaying, September 13 Housing Hike
Waterfall Tower, September 20 Housing Hike
Sail-In Theater, September 27 Housing Hike
researchmonkey, Bunny Principal’s Office
Painting Recreation, October 18 Housing Hike
Cornucopia by Midni
Cottage Aquarium, November 15 Housing Hike
The Lost Maiden Shipwreck, November 22 Housing Hike
Sea Prison, November 29 Housing Hike
Madam.Weasel’s Kragenhome, Underwater Treasure
agenderfox’s Kragenhome, The Deep
Aquarium, December 6 Housing Hike
Hakkvild Library, December 6 Housing Hike
Saucy_Jack’s Festive Tree
danielder6’s Festive Tree
StabbityDoom’s Fireplace