ESO | Live Luxury Showdown #45, Quick-Build Housing Contest with Blue Banners!

Smol hanging wooden signs this week plus two new blue Transmute banners–especially challenging since everything is animated!

3 contestants use the latest luxury furnishings in The Elder Scrolls Online to make something creative in only 30 minutes! Fun quick-build challenge streamed at each week!

Watch What can you make with Blue Banners and Smol Signs in ESO in 30 minutes? Live Luxury Showdown #45 from JHartEllis on

Luxury Furnishings this week:
Banker’s Sign, Small 3,000g
Banner, Transmute 12,000g
Banner, Transmute Small 5,000g
Merchant’s Sign, Small 3,000g
Stablemaster’s Sign, Small 3,000g


Finished builds after 30 minutes:

Skulllord's Blue-Dressed Angel!
Skulllord’s Blue-Dressed Angel!

BlindGuardian's Octopus and Escaping Fish!
BlindGuardian’s Octopus and Escaping Fish!

Durmgrid's Tile-Swapping Game! WINNER!
Durmgrid’s Tile-Swapping Game! WINNER!

Judges: Ninjamonkey0169, Swankery, Wueben

Host: JHartEllis (

Offerings this week from Zanil Theran in Cicero’s Food & General Goods in Hollow City, Coldharbour:
Offerings this weekend from Zanil Theran in Cicero’s Food & General Goods in Hollow City, Coldharbour: Banker's Sign, Small 3,000g Banner, Transmute 12,000g Banner, Transmute Small 5,000g Merchant's Sign, Small 3,000g Stablemaster's Sign, Small 3,000g

Streamed at on December 7, 2018, be sure to follow for fun content and contests!

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ESO | Live Luxury Showdown #44, Quick-Build Housing Contest with Signs!

Hanging wooden signs this week plus two new outfit banners–especially challenging since everything is animated!

3 contestants use the latest luxury furnishings in The Elder Scrolls Online to make something creative in only 30 minutes! Fun quick-build challenge streamed at each week!

Luxury Furnishings this week:
Banker’s Sign, Large 12,000g
Banner, Outfit 12,000g
Banner, Outfit Small 5,000g
Merchant’s Sign, Large 12,000g
Stablemaster’s Sign, Large 12,000g


Finished builds after 30 minutes:

BlindGuardian's Rock Out Hand!
BlindGuardian’s Rock Out Hand!

DevilDogette's Castle!
DevilDogette’s Castle!

Stormahawk's Flying Dragon! WINNER!
Stormahawk’s Flying Dragon! WINNER!

Judges: Ninjamonkey0169, Swankery, Wueben

Host: JHartEllis (

Offerings this week from Zanil Theran in Cicero’s Food & General Goods in Hollow City, Coldharbour:
Offerings this weekend from Zanil Theran in Cicero’s Food & General Goods in Hollow City, Coldharbour: Banker's Sign, Large 12,000g Banner, Outfit 12,000g Banner, Outfit Small 5,000g Merchant's Sign, Large 12,000g Stablemaster's Sign, Large 12,000g

Streamed at on November 30, 2018, be sure to follow for fun content and contests!

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ESO | Live Luxury Showdown #43, Quick-Build Housing Contest with Clockwork Orrery!

Small clockwork display pieces plus a new super expensive intricate orrery this week! D:

3 contestants use the latest luxury furnishings in The Elder Scrolls Online to make something creative in only 30 minutes! Fun quick-build challenge streamed at each week!

Luxury Furnishings this week:
Clockwork Gear Display, Bell Jar 2,500g
Clockwork Gear Display, Tall Jar 3,000g
Clockwork Globe, Stand 4,000g
Clockwork Orrery, Compact 20,000g
Clockwork Orrery, Intricate 100,000g D:


Finished builds after 30 minutes:

BlindGuardian's Thanksgiving Gathering!
BlindGuardian’s Thanksgiving Gathering!

Durm's Clockwork Art!
Durm’s Clockwork Art!

Stormahawk's Drowning Robot! WINNER!
Stormahawk’s Drowning Robot! WINNER!

Judges: Ninjamonkey0169, Swankery, Wueben

Host: JHartEllis (

Offerings this week from Zanil Theran in Cicero’s Food & General Goods in Hollow City, Coldharbour:
Offerings this weekend from Zanil Theran in Cicero’s Food & General Goods in Hollow City, Coldharbour: Clockwork Gear Display, Bell Jar 2,500g Clockwork Gear Display, Tall Jar 3,000g Clockwork Globe, Stand 4,000g Clockwork Orrery, Compact 20,000g Clockwork Orrery, Intricate 100,000g

Streamed at on November 23, 2018, be sure to follow for fun content and contests!

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ESO | Live Luxury Showdown #42, Quick-Build Housing Contest with Clockwork Astronomy!

Clockwork astronomy is the theme with beautifully animated calibration guides and a new super expensive sextant this week!

3 contestants use the latest luxury furnishings in The Elder Scrolls Online to make something creative in only 30 minutes! Fun quick-build challenge streamed at each week!

Luxury Furnishings this week:
Clockwork Calibration Guide, The Mage 50,000g
Clockwork Calibration Guide, The Thief 50,000g
Clockwork Calibration Guide, The Warrior 50,000g
Clockwork Sextant, Surveyor’s 75,000g
Clockwork Telescope, Surveyor’s 15,000g


Finished builds after 30 minutes:

Rain_Bat's Clockwork-sized Egg Beaters!
Rain_Bat’s Clockwork-sized Egg Beaters!

Xarosea's Oblivion Astronomy!
Xarosea’s Oblivion Astronomy!

BlindGuardian's TIE Fighter! WINNER!
BlindGuardian’s TIE Fighter! WINNER!

Judges: Ninjamonkey0169, Swankery, Wueben

Host: JHartEllis (

Offerings this week from Zanil Theran in Cicero’s Food & General Goods in Hollow City, Coldharbour:
Offerings this weekend from Zanil Theran in Cicero’s Food & General Goods in Hollow City, Coldharbour: Clockwork Calibration Guide, The Mage 50,000g Clockwork Calibration Guide, The Thief 50,000g Clockwork Calibration Guide, The Warrior 50,000g Clockwork Sextant, Surveyor's 75,000g Clockwork Telescope, Surveyor's 15,000g

Streamed at on November 16, 2018, be sure to follow for fun content and contests!

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ESO | Live Luxury Showdown #41, Quick-Build Housing Contest with Animal Traps!

New animal traps this week plus many more unfortunate creatures! D:

3 contestants use the latest luxury furnishings in The Elder Scrolls Online to make something creative in only 30 minutes! Fun quick-build challenge streamed at each week!

Streamed at on November 9, 2018, be sure to follow for fun content and contests!

Luxury Furnishings this week:
Animal Trap, Welded Open 2,500g
Carcass, Fresh Pheasant 7,500g
Elk Head, Wall Mount 20,000g
Orcish Grand Table with Skins 50,000g
Tapestry, Echatere Pelt 25,000g


Finished builds after 30 minutes:

Stormahawk's Altar to the Deer God!
Stormahawk’s Altar to the Deer God!

Xarosea's Minecraftian Deer God!
Xarosea’s Minecraftian Deer God!

BlindGuardian's Gentlemen's Club! WINNER!
BlindGuardian’s Gentlemen’s Club! WINNER!

Judges: Ninjamonkey0169, Swankery, Wueben

Host: JHartEllis (

Offerings this week from Zanil Theran in Cicero’s Food & General Goods in Hollow City, Coldharbour:
Offerings this weekend from Zanil Theran in Cicero’s Food & General Goods in Hollow City, Coldharbour: Animal Trap, Welded Open 2,500g Carcass, Fresh Pheasant 7,500g Elk Head, Wall Mount 20,000g Orcish Grand Table with Skins 50,000g Tapestry, Echatere Pelt 25,000g

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ESO | Live Luxury Showdown #40, Quick-Build Housing Contest with Dead Bunnies!

Dead bunnies this week plus other unfortunate creatures! D:

3 contestants use the latest luxury furnishings in The Elder Scrolls Online to make something creative in only 30 minutes! Fun quick-build challenge streamed at each week!

Watch What can you make with Dead Bunnies in ESO in 30 minutes? Live Luxury Showdown #40 from JHartEllis on

Luxury Furnishings this week:
Carcass, Grey Hare 5,000g
Carcass, Hanging Geese 7,500g
Deer Head, Wall Mount 15,000g
Echatere Horns, Wall Mount 15,000g
Wolf Head, Wall Mount 20,000g
Twist! Contestants could also use the Nord Rug, Bearskin this week!


Finished builds after 30 minutes:

Durm's Sword-and-board Warrior!
Durm’s Sword-and-board Warrior!

Laura's Hircine Statue and Kill!
Laura’s Hircine Statue and Kill!

Stormahawk's Hoppy Endings Massage Parlor! Winner!
Stormahawk’s Hoppy Endings Massage Parlor! Winner!

Judges: Ninjamonkey0169, Swankery, Wueben

Host: JHartEllis (

Offerings this week from Zanil Theran in Cicero’s Food & General Goods in Hollow City, Coldharbour:
Offerings this weekend from Zanil Theran in Cicero’s Food & General Goods in Hollow City, Coldharbour: Carcass, Grey Hare 5,000g Carcass, Hanging Geese 7,500g Deer Head, Wall Mount 15,000g Echatere Horns, Wall Mount 15,000g Wolf Head, Wall Mount 20,000g

Streamed at on November 2, 2018, be sure to follow for fun content and contests!

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ESO | Live Luxury Showdown #39, Quick-Build Housing Contest with Briarheart Trees!

Witches Festival furnishings this week with creepy Briarheart trees and witch’s remains! 3 contestants use the latest luxury furnishings in The Elder Scrolls Online to make something creative in only 30 minutes! Fun quick-build challenge streamed at each week!

Luxury Furnishings this week:
Briarheart Tree, Replica 100,000g
Reach Sapling, Briarheart 50,000g
Reach Sapling, Contorted Briarheart 35,000g
Witch’s Remains, Offering 50,000g
Witch’s Remains, Sacrificial 50,000g

PBo’sLady AKA “J”

Finished builds after 30 minutes:

Skulllord's Scarecrow!
Skulllord’s Scarecrow!

J's Sleepy Hollow Tree of the Dead!
J’s Sleepy Hollow Tree of the Dead!

cryhavok's Hermaeus Mora Assembling Garden! WINNER!
cryhavok’s Hermaeus Mora Assembling Garden! WINNER!

Judges: Stormahawk, Swankery, Wueben

Host: JHartEllis (

Offerings this week from Zanil Theran in Cicero’s Food & General Goods in Hollow City, Coldharbour:
Offerings this weekend from Zanil Theran in Cicero’s Food & General Goods in Hollow City, Coldharbour: Briarheart Tree, Replica 100,000g Reach Sapling, Briarheart 50,000g Reach Sapling, Contorted Briarheart 35,000g Witch's Remains, Offering 50,000g Witch's Remains, Sacrificial 50,000g

Streamed at on October 26, 2018, be sure to follow for fun content and contests!

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ESO | Live Luxury Showdown #38, Quick-Build Housing Contest with Fart Sticks!

Witches Festival furnishings this week including noxious green bog totems AKA fart sticks! 3 contestants use the latest luxury furnishings in The Elder Scrolls Online to make something creative in only 30 minutes! Fun quick-build challenge streamed at each week!

Luxury Furnishings this week:
Witch’s Torch, Wretched 5,000g
Witch’s Totem, Bog 50,000g
Witch’s Tree, Captive 35,000g
Witch’s Tree, Charred 5,000g


Finished builds after 30 minutes:

BlindGuardian's Bog Monster!
BlindGuardian’s Bog Monster!

Nomad's Green Pancake!
Nomad’s Green Pancake!

Stormahawk's Smoking Ent! WINNER!
Stormahawk’s Smoking Ent! WINNER!

Judges: Ninjamonkey0169, Swankery, Wueben

Host: JHartEllis (

Offerings this week from Zanil Theran in Cicero’s Food & General Goods in Hollow City, Coldharbour:
Offerings this weekend from Zanil Theran in Cicero’s Food & General Goods in Hollow City, Coldharbour: Witch's Torch, Wretched 5,000g Witch's Totem, Bog 50,000g Witch's Tree, Captive 35,000g Witch's Tree, Charred 5,000g

Streamed at on October 19, 2018, be sure to follow for fun content and contests!

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ESO | Live Luxury Showdown #37, Quick-Build Housing Contest with Orcish Gazebos!

HUGE new Orcish gazebo this week! 3 contestants use the latest luxury furnishings in The Elder Scrolls Online to make something creative in only 30 minutes! Fun quick-build challenge streamed at each week!

Luxury Furnishings this week:
Orcish Gazebo, Orsinium 20,000g
Orsinium Sarcophagus, Warrior’s 35,000g
Orsinium Totem, Honor 20,000g
Orsinium Totem, Obedience 20,000g
Orsinium Totem, Strength 20,000g


Finished builds after 30 minutes:

Titan's Turtle!
Titan’s Turtle!

Bandinoriel's Coldharbour Ferris Wheel!
Bandinoriel’s Coldharbour Ferris Wheel!

Lizzy's Snowman. WINNER!
Lizzy’s Snowman. WINNER!

Judges: Ninjamonkey0169, Swankery, Wueben

Host: JHartEllis (

Offerings this week from Zanil Theran in Cicero’s Food & General Goods in Hollow City, Coldharbour:
Offerings this weekend from Zanil Theran in Cicero’s Food & General Goods in Hollow City, Coldharbour: Orcish Wagon, Merchant 15,000g Orsinium Relief, Malacath 25,000g Orsinium Statue, Head 25,000g Orsinium Statue, Honor's Rest 25,000g Orsinium Tent, Chief's 15,000g

Streamed at on October 12, 2018, be sure to follow for fun content and contests!

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ESO | Live Luxury Showdown #36, Quick-Build Housing Contest with Orc Statues!

BIG orcish furnishings this week! 3 contestants use the latest luxury furnishings in The Elder Scrolls Online to make something creative in only 30 minutes! Fun quick-build challenge streamed at each week!

Luxury Furnishings this week:
Orcish Wagon, Merchant 15,000g
Orsinium Relief, Malacath 25,000g
Orsinium Statue, Head 25,000g
Orsinium Statue, Honor’s Rest 25,000g
Orsinium Tent, Chief’s 15,000g
Twist! Contestants also had Orcish Brazier, Floor to work with!


Finished builds after 30 minutes:

Stormahawk's Futuristic Floating Gladiator Platform!
Stormahawk’s Futuristic Floating Gladiator Platform!

Elixotera's Orcish Encampment!
Elixotera’s Orcish Encampment!

MegaGeekLizzy's Shrine of the Many-Faced God. WINNER!
MegaGeekLizzy’s Shrine of the Many-Faced God. WINNER!

Judges: Ninjamonkey0169, Swankery, Wueben

Host: JHartEllis (

Offerings this week from Zanil Theran in Cicero’s Food & General Goods in Hollow City, Coldharbour:
Offerings this weekend from Zanil Theran in Cicero’s Food & General Goods in Hollow City, Coldharbour: Orcish Wagon, Merchant 15,000g Orsinium Relief, Malacath 25,000g Orsinium Statue, Head 25,000g Orsinium Statue, Honor's Rest 25,000g Orsinium Tent, Chief's 15,000g

Streamed at on October 5, 2018, be sure to follow for fun content and contests!

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