ESO | Live Luxury Showdown #27, Quick-Build Housing Contest with Velothi Altars and Urns!

Velothi Altars, Urns, Podiums, and new Ash Gardens this week! 3 contestants use the latest luxury furnishings in The Elder Scrolls Online to make something creative in only 30 minutes! Fun quick-build challenge streamed at each week!

Luxury Furnishings this week:
Dark Elf Ash Garden, Familial 10,000g
Velothi Altar, Sacrificial 10,000g
Velothi Kneeler, Prayer 3,000g
Velothi Podium of Recitation 35,000g
Velothi Urn, Burial 10,000g
Twist! Contestants could also use Velothi Brazier, Temple this week to build–can be in three states: off, yellow, and blue!


Finished builds after 30 minutes:

Lizzy's Coliseumesque Tomb
Lizzy’s Coliseumesque Tomb

Durm's Rocketship on Launchpad
Durm’s Rocketship on Launchpad

Skulllord's King Kong on Empire State Building. WINNER!
Skulllord’s King Kong on Empire State Building. WINNER!

Judges: Elvici, Ninjamonkey0169, Wueben

Host: JHartEllis (

Offerings this week from Zanil Theran in Cicero’s Food & General Goods in Hollow City, Coldharbour:
Dark Elf Ash Garden, Familial 10,000g Velothi Altar, Sacrificial 10,000g Velothi Kneeler, Prayer 3,000g Velothi Podium of Recitation 35,000g Velothi Urn, Burial 10,000g

Date: August 3, 2018

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ESO | Live Luxury Showdown #26, Quick-Build Housing Contest with Ancestral Tomb Stuff!

Velothi items and a new Ancestral Tomb Brazier this week–extra challenge since the Cerecloth and Candle are invisible from the bottom!! 3 contestants use the latest luxury furnishings in The Elder Scrolls Online to make something creative in only 30 minutes! Fun quick-build challenge streamed at each week!

Luxury Furnishings this week:
Dark Elf Brazier, Ancestral Tomb 15,000g
Velothi Candle, Mourning 5,000g
Velothi Cerecloth, Prayer 5,000g
Velothi Seat, Meditation 10,000g
Velothi Shroud, Mourning 5,000g
Twist this week! Each contestant was given a super rare Velothi Triptych to work with!


Finished builds after 30 minutes:

bertie's Pelinal's Boon Box
bertie’s Pelinal’s Boon Box

Durm's Velothi Atronach
Durm’s Velothi Atronach

Nomad's Hellscaped Library. WINNER!
Nomad’s Hellscaped Library. WINNER!

Judges: Ninjamonkey0169, Stormahawk, Wueben

Host: JHartEllis (

Offerings this week from Zanil Theran in Cicero’s Food & General Goods in Hollow City, Coldharbour:
Dark Elf Brazier, Ancestral Tomb 15,000g Velothi Candle, Mourning 5,000g Velothi Cerecloth, Prayer 5,000g Velothi Seat, Meditation 10,000g Velothi Shroud, Mourning 5,000g

Date: July 27, 2018

ESO | Live Luxury Showdown #25, Quick-Build ESO Housing Contest with Darkshade Glowstalks!

Creepy animated plants this week including the new Darkshade Glowstalks! 3 contestants use the latest luxury furnishings in The Elder Scrolls Online to make something creative in only 30 minutes! Fun quick-build challenge streamed at each week!

Luxury Furnishings this week:
Darkshade Glowstalks, Inquisitive 45,000g
Vvardenfell Anemone, Sprout 5,000g
Vvardenfell Anemone, Strong 25,000g
Vvardenfell Coral Plant, Strong 10,000g
Vvardenfell Coral Plant, Young 5,000g


Finished builds after 30 minutes:

Lizzy's Mind Tree
Lizzy’s Mind Tree

Nomad's Piloted Flying Ship
Nomad’s Piloted Flying Ship

Stone's Dune-inspired Spice Worms. WINNER!
Stone’s Dune-inspired Spice Worms. WINNER!

Judges: Stormahawk, Swankery, Wueben

Host: JHartEllis (

Offerings this week from Zanil Theran in Cicero’s Food & General Goods in Hollow City, Coldharbour:
Darkshade Glowstalks, Inquisitive 45,000g Vvardenfell Anemone, Sprout 5,000g Vvardenfell Anemone, Strong 25,000g Vvardenfell Coral Plant, Strong 10,000g Vvardenfell Coral Plant, Young 5,000g

Date: July 20, 2018

ESO | Live Luxury Showdown #24, Quick-Build ESO Housing Contest with Spiral Skein Glowstalks!

So many glowing plants this week including new Spiral Skein Glowstalks! 3 contestants use the latest luxury furnishings in The Elder Scrolls Online to make something creative in only 30 minutes! Fun quick-build challenge streamed at each week!

Luxury Furnishings this week:
Spiral Skein Glowstalks, Sprouts 8,000g
Vvardenfell Glowstalk, Sprout 2,500g
Vvardenfell Glowstalk, Strong 10,000g
Vvardenfell Glowstalk, Towering 15,000g
Vvardenfell Glowstalk, Young 5,000g

Zendyra “Crispi”

Finished builds after 30 minutes:

Skulllord's Pinwheel Lollipop
Skulllord’s Pinwheel Lollipop

Sho's Scorpionesque Bug
Sho’s Scorpionesque Bug

Crispi's Butterfly on Takeoff. WINNER!
Crispi’s Butterfly on Takeoff. WINNER!

Judges: NinjaMonkey0169, Swankery, Wueben

Host: JHartEllis (

Offerings this week from Zanil Theran in Cicero’s Food & General Goods in Hollow City, Coldharbour:
Spiral Skein Glowstalks, Sprouts 8,000g Vvardenfell Glowstalk, Sprout 2,500g Vvardenfell Glowstalk, Strong 10,000g Vvardenfell Glowstalk, Towering 15,000g Vvardenfell Glowstalk, Young 5,000g

Date: July 13, 2018

ESO | Live Luxury Showdown #23, Quick-Build ESO Housing Contest with Daedric Urns and Drinking Bowls!

Two new Daedric items this week: Sealed Urns and Ritual Drinking Bowls! 3 contestants use the latest luxury furnishings in The Elder Scrolls Online to make something creative in only 30 minutes! Fun quick-build challenge streamed at each week!

Luxury Furnishings this week:

Daedric Chandelier, Spiked 8,000g Daedric Chest, Sealed 8,000g Daedric Drinking Bowl, Ritual 650g Daedric Throne, Skulls 25,000g Daedric Urn, Sealed 1,000g

ManWhoStands “Jesse”

Finished builds after 30 minutes:

Titan's Daedric Daedra
Titan’s Daedric Daedra

Midni's Snakey Snake
Midni’s Snakey Snake

ManWhoStand's Centaur. WINNER!
ManWhoStand’s Centaur. WINNER!

Judges: NinjaMonkey0169, Swankery, Wueben

Host: JHartEllis (

Date: July 6, 2018

ESO | Live Luxury Showdown #22, Quick-Build ESO Housing Contest with Daedric Peryite Altars!

Daedric items this week including Peryite Altars! 3 contestants use the latest luxury furnishings in The Elder Scrolls Online to make something creative in only 30 minutes! Fun quick-build challenge streamed at each week!

Luxury Furnishings this week:
Daedric Altar, Peryite 40,000g
Daedric Brazier, Ritual 25,000g
Daedric Platfrom, Sarcophagus 8,000g
Daedric Sarcophagus, Sealed 10,000g
Twist! No twist this week!

lilsvs “Tejess”
Polaria Nightshade (Winner!)

Finished builds after 30 minutes:

Skulllord's Rocket Ship with Super Booster
Skulllord’s Rocket Ship with Super Booster

lilsvs's Dancing Flower
lilsvs’s Dancing Flower

Polaria's Creepy Daedric Baby. WINNER!
Polaria’s Creepy Daedric Baby. WINNER!

Judges: NinjaMonkey0169, Swankery, Wueben

Host: JHartEllis (

Date: June 29, 2018

ESO | Live Luxury Showdown #21, Quick-Build ESO Housing Contest with Dwarven Mechanisms and Hammers!

Small dwarven items this week including new hammers and popular animated crystal mechanisms! 3 contestants use the latest luxury furnishings in The Elder Scrolls Online to make something creative in only 30 minutes! Fun quick-build challenge streamed at each week!

Luxury Furnishings this week:
Dwarven Centurion Hammer, Detached 3,500g
Dwarven Crystal Mechanism 50,000g
Dwarven Orrery, Reference 25,000g
Dwarven Schematics, Technical 8,000g
Twist! Contestants were also able to build with a few Dwarven Chandelier, Caged this week in addition to the above luxury furnishings

Stonesedge (Winner, Fleet of Battleships)

Finished builds after 30 minutes:

Xero's Seaworthy Schematical Ship
Xero’s Seaworthy Schematical Ship

Ilsabet's Dwemer Battleship Game
Ilsabet’s Dwemer Battleship Game

stonesedge's Fleet of Battleships. WINNER!
stonesedge’s Fleet of Battleships. WINNER!

Judges: NinjaMonkey0169, Swankery, Wueben

Host: JHartEllis (

Date: June 22, 2018

ESO | Live Luxury Showdown #20, Quick-Build ESO Housing Contest with Dwarven Fountains & Engines!

Big dwarven items this week including new engines and popular animated fountains! 3 contestants use the latest luxury furnishings in The Elder Scrolls Online to make something creative in only 30 minutes! Fun quick-build challenge streamed at each week!

Luxury Furnishings this week:
Dwarven Clock, Deactivated 15,000g
Dwarven Engine, Fused 24,000g
Dwarven Fountain, Forged 50,000g
Dwarven Pillar, Forged 10,000g
Twist! Contestants were also able to build with the Dwarven Lantern, Oil this week. More light!

Skulllord1415 (Winner, Leaky Elephant AKA Plumbo)

Finished builds after 30 minutes:

Titan's Crying Crocodile
Titan’s Crying Crocodile

Hezzie's Clockwork Clock
Hezzie’s Clockwork Clock

Skulllord's Leaky Elephant AKA Plumbo. WINNER!
Skulllord’s Leaky Elephant AKA Plumbo. WINNER!

Judges: NinjaMonkey0169, Swankery, Wueben

Host: JHartEllis (

Date: June 15, 2018

ESO | Live Luxury Showdown #19, Quick-Build ESO Decorating Contest with Dark Brotherhood Carpets!

Dark Brotherhood carpets and banners and wolf pupper snoots this week! 3 contestants race to use the latest luxury furnishings in The Elder Scrolls Online to create… something in only 30 minutes! Fun quick-build challenge!

Luxury Furnishings this week:
Brotherhood Banner, Large 25,000g
Brotherhood Candelabra, Floor 8,000g
Brotherhood Carpet, Large 15,000g
Brotherhood Ledge Stand 4,000g
Brotherhood Plaque, Wolf 25,000g

Stormahawk (Winner, Arstotzka-inspired Eagle)

Finished builds after 30 minutes:

Titan's Hilly Diorama
Titan’s Hilly Diorama

Frat's Wolf Skeleton Man
Frat’s Wolf Skeleton Man

Stormahawk's Arstotzka-inspired Eagle. WINNER!
Stormahawk’s Arstotzka-inspired Eagle. WINNER!

Judges: NinjaMonkey0169, Swankery, Wueben

Host: JHartEllis (

Date: June 8, 2018

ESO | Live Luxury Showdown #18, Quick-Build ESO Decorating Contest with Dark Brotherhood Windows!

Dark Brotherhood windows and tapestries this week! 3 contestants race to use the latest luxury furnishings in The Elder Scrolls Online to create… something in only 30 minutes! Fun quick-build challenge!

Luxury Furnishings this week:
Brotherhood Candelabra, Table 2,500g
Brotherhood Tapestry 10,000g
Brotherhood Tapestry, Small 5,000g
Brotherhood Stained Glass Window 100,000g

Skulllord1415 (Winner, Poisonous Dark Brotherhood Butterfly)

Finished builds after 30 minutes:

Towerdweller's Clock Tower
Towerdweller’s Clock Tower

Mercami's Gumby's Dad's Face
Mercami’s Gumby’s Dad’s Face

Skulllord's Poisonous Dark Brotherhood Butterfly. WINNER!
Skulllord’s Poisonous Dark Brotherhood Butterfly. WINNER!

Judges: NinjaMonkey0169, Swankery, Wueben

Host: JHartEllis (

Date: June 1, 2018