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Stargate! February 8 Housing Hike
Internet Pub Revisited, February 15 Housing Hike
“Salmon Enchanted Evening”, February 15 Housing Hike
Theatre, February 15 Housing Hike
1st Place Winner: Lashh, Research Tower
2nd Place Winner: glassid, Daedric Museum
Runner-up: Callaleo, Bed and Bath
Runner-up: xerodom, Murder Bunny
Runner-up: delphinnia, Dibella Fountain
Runner-up: Zanosuz, Indoor Gardens
Runner-up: snowfaeriewings, Inside the Aquarium
Runner-up: Chryseia, Kitchen and Office
Runner-up: tehuantl, Enchanted Corridor
Forest Portal, March 8 Housing Hike
Jabberwock Lettering, March 8 Housing Hike
Particle Collider, March 8 Housing Hike
Apocrypha Leaking, March 22 Housing Hike
Hot Tub Bar, March 22 Housing Hike
NPC Restroom, March 22 Housing Hike
Prepping for Bar Fight, March 29 Housing Hike
Biome Planters, March 29 Housing Hike
The Bootydive, March 29 Housing Hike
Little Italy Hub, March 29 Housing Hike
Observatory to the Stars, March 29 Housing Hike
SILLIEST WINNER: cryhavok101
SILLIEST WINNER: stabbitydoom
High Elf Homes: Noble Living Room
High Elf Homes: Multistory Luxury
Indoor Pond, April 5 Housing Hike
Alice in Wonderland Unbirthday Party
Charlotte’s Web
Hallelujah Mountains of Pandora
Rocky Horror Picture Show
The Shire
AT-AT Walker
The Wizard of Oz
Interactive Clue Game! April 19 Housing Hike
Meridia’s Colored Rooms, April 19 Housing Hike
Ornate Parlor
Candyland! May 10 Housing Hike
Earth Day PSA, May 10 Housing Hike
Secret Garden Picnic, May 10 Housing Hike
Nord Museum Wing, May 17 Housing Hike
Surreal Social Space, May 17 Housing Hike
Black Market Wares, StabbityDoom
MayaSunRising, Sugar Bowl Suite Challenge
Sharalei, Sugar Bowl Suite Challenge
StabbityDoom, Sugar Bowl Suite Challenge
Taolie, Sugar Bowl Suite Challenge
Chryseia, Sugar Bowl Suite Challenge
Italy1974, Sugar Bowl Suite Challenge
gothicraven, Sugar Bowl Suite Challenge
hornheb, Sugar Bowl Suite Challenge
zendyra, Sugar Bowl Suite Challenge
Bayushi2005, Sugar Bowl Suite Challenge
snowfaeriewings, Sugar Bowl Suite Challenge
Tel Galen Aquarium, June 7 Housing Hike
Necro Death Hut, June 14 Housing Hike
StabbityDoom’s Dragon
gothicraven’s Dragon
FX Doll House, June 28 Housing Hike
Easter Fun Fair, July 5 Housing Hike
Daggerfall Village, July 5 Housing Hike
Bayushi2005, Hall of the Lunar Champion
danielder6, Hall of the Lunar Champion
Sharalei, Hall of the Lunar Champion
Evarelia, Hall of the Lunar Champion
StabbityDoom, Hall of the Lunar Champion
Pomipom, Hall of the Lunar Champion
Greenhouse, July 19 Housing Hike
Mini Topal Hideaway, July 19 Housing Hike
Bonsai Tower, August 2 Housing Hike
Garden Sanctuary, August 2 Housing Hike
Bayushi2005, Treasure Room
Chryseia, Treasure Room
StabbityDoom, Treasure Room
doobat, Treasure Room
Fishing Hole, Inns/Apartments Tour
FX Dresses, Inns/Apartments Tour
StabbityDoom, Orc Party!
Tranquil Bridge, August 23 Housing Hike
“Rimmen Respite”, August 30 Housing Hike
“The Nest”, August 30 Housing Hike
Full Aquarium, EHT Celebration
Augmented Bakery, EHT Celebration
Caveside Inn, EHT Celebration
Creepy Path, EHT Celebration
Guild Tabards, EHT Celebration
NPC Hibachi, EHT Celebration
Stocked Kitchen, EHT Celebration
Lively Pet Shop, EHT Celebration
Bright Restaurant, EHT Celebration
Green Swamp, EHT Celebration
Fancy Windows, EHT Celebration
Rainbow Well, September 6 Housing Hike
Remodeled Kitchen, September 6 Housing Hike
Halloween Party House, September 13 Housing Hike
Pie Shop, DDA’s Restaurants, Bars, & Pubs
Altmer/Khajiiti Fusion Restaurant, DDA’s Restaurants, Bars, & Pubs
Waterfall Tower, September 20 Housing Hike
Stabbitydoom’s Pariah’s Pinnacle
Stabbitydoom’s Forsaken Hold
Sail-In Theater, September 27 Housing Hike
Remodeled Temple, DDA’s “One House” Contest
StabbityDoom, Nirn Science Classroom
kwekweg, Summoning Lab
sqwerl99, Potions Lab
kiyakotari, Necromancy Lab
doobat, Falling for Fall
StabbityDoom, Falling for Fall
agenderfox, Falling for Fall
Aurbis Mining Outpost Office, October 11 Housing Hike
Aurbis Mining Outpost Production, October 11 Housing Hike
Aurbis Mining Outpost Station, October 11 Housing Hike
Dragonwynde Resort, October 18 Housing Hike
Tyatae’s Hatching Pools, DDA’s “Build a Monster”
StabbityDoom’s Haloed Pumpkin
Callaleo’s One Nightstand
hornheb’s Long-Tongued Monster
Creepy Cottage, November 8 Housing Hike
Cornucopia by StabbityDoom
Amalfi Coast, November 22 Housing Hike
Amalfi Coast, November 22 Housing Hike
StabbityDoom’s Feast
gothicraven’s Feast
Light and Dark, What Are You Thankful For
bayushi2005’s Kragenhome, Spaceship
PolariaNightshade’s Kragenhome, Nighttime Tavern
AmbrielTheChosen’s Kragenhome, Calm Discovery
agenderfox’s Kragenhome, The Deep
Matrix, December 13 Housing Hike
Moment of Repose, December 13 Housing Hike
Adventurer’s Home, December 20 Housing Hike
Colorful Oasis, December 20 Housing Hike
StabbityDoom’s Festive Tree
Chryseia’s Festive Tree
hornheb’s Spaceship
DevilDogette’s Fireplace