Touring ESO Housing or Bust challenge entries! This was open to PC/NA and PC/EU in The Elder Scrolls Online. The challenge was to make something creative out of nothing but the Undaunted Busts and Undaunted Trophies achievement furnishings. Really weird pieces to work with, and people had great ideas–thanks everyone!
I07ISHII’s Sitting Man, Housing or BustChryseia’s Stylized Rose, Housing or BustLillfox’s Welcoming Father, Housing or BustLillfox’s Daughter and Pet, Housing or Bustsnowfaeriewings’ “Bronze Man”, Housing or BustSharquez’s Assault Tank, Housing or BustStormahawk’s Alien Abduction, Housing or BustMix2014’s Flowers, Housing or BustGrkgemini94’s Dragon, Side, Housing or BustGrkgemini94’s Dragon, Front, Housing or Bustdoobat’s monstrosity, Housing or BustEvarelia’s Dragon Clock, Housing or BustLooshora’s Beast, Housing or BustTwigtastic’s Heroic Scene, Housing or BustALLnivore87’s creature, Housing or BustDanuviel’s Walkway, Housing or BustSorries’ Scaled Dragon, Housing or BustDJriede’s Worms, Housing or Bustananarch’s monster, Housing or BustSturmfaenger’s Goblin and Beast, Housing or BustSturmfaenger’s Goblin Dinner, Housing or Bust