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Chryseia, Multicraft Challenge!
Adventurer’s Abode, September 20 Housing Hike
Khajiit Retreat, September 20 Housing Hike
Mastercrafter’s Forge, September 20 Housing Hike
Modern Bar with Aquarium, DDA’s Restaurants, Bars, & Pubs
3D Painting, September 20 Housing Hike
Hipster Paradise, DDA’s Restaurants, Bars, & Pubs
Altmer/Khajiiti Fusion Restaurant, DDA’s Restaurants, Bars, & Pubs
Lion’s Arms, DDA’s Restaurants, Bars, & Pubs
Mammoth Head Brewery, DDA’s Restaurants, Bars, & Pubs
Pie Shop, DDA’s Restaurants, Bars, & Pubs
Italian Wine Bar, DDA’s Restaurants, Bars, & Pubs
Seven Dwarves Home, September 13 Housing Hike
Sushi Bar, DDA’s Restaurants, Bars, & Pubs
Modern Bar, DDA’s Restaurants, Bars, & Pubs
Remodeled Kitchen, September 6 Housing Hike
NPC Hibachi, EHT Celebration
Stocked Kitchen, EHT Celebration
Fancy Windows, EHT Celebration
“Fish N Chips University”, September 6 Housing Hike
Caveside Inn, EHT Celebration
“Rimmen Respite”, August 30 Housing Hike
Sugar Sips Café, August 30 Housing Hike
Swank Kitchen, August 30 Housing Hike
Cat Lady Pad, August 30 Housing Hike
Orc Party!
Danuviel, Orc Party!
zanosuz, Orc Party!
Evarelia, Orc Party!
Flimmteuf, Orc Party!
StabbityDoom, Orc Party!
Resting Place, Inns/Apartments Tour
Lusty Argonian Maid Play, Inns/Apartments Tour
Khajiit Room, Inns/Apartments Tour
The Happy Alchemist, Inns/Apartments Tour
FX Dresses, Inns/Apartments Tour
Dark Brotherhood Shrine, August 16 Housing Hike
Harsh Desert, August 16 Housing Hike
Art Museum, August 16 Housing Hike
Bits & Bobs Totally Legimate Shop, August 16 Housing Hike
Colorful Snugpod, August 16 Housing Hike
Enchanting Library, August 9 Housing Hike
Gazebo Sanctuary, August 9 Housing Hike
Golden Treasure Room, August 9 Housing Hike
Prison Cell, August 9 Housing Hike
DragonJrill, Treasure Room
Callaleo, Treasure Room
miscreant7, Treasure Room
Ariesyn, Treasure Room
misskatie420, Treasure Room
doobat, Treasure Room
AriannaVerum, Treasure Room
Imagie, Treasure Room
Noden7, Treasure Room
ShadowOfMen, Treasure Room
HGranger, Treasure Room
emyrs5, Treasure Room
Carbonised, Treasure Room
Sporvan, Treasure Room
Small Multistory Home, August 2 Housing Hike
Library with Windows, August 2 Housing Hike
Colorful Palace, July 26 Housing Hike
Hobby Shed, July 19 Housing Hike
Linchal Market, July 19 Housing Hike
Daedric Lounge, July 19 Housing Hike
Kitty Tribute, July 12 Housing Hike
Clothing Corner, July 12 Housing Hike
HanzeeBokeem, Hall of the Lunar Champion
IllusiveLucy, Hall of the Lunar Champion
ThornsofTime, Hall of the Lunar Champion
Evarelia, Hall of the Lunar Champion
Sharalei, Hall of the Lunar Champion
Theseus420, Hall of the Lunar Champion
gamergirldk, Hall of the Lunar Champion
funkyredneck, Hall of the Lunar Champion
DJfriede, Hall of the Lunar Champion
Velothi Kitchen, June 21 Housing Hike
FX Doll House, June 28 Housing Hike
Hospital, June 28 Housing Hike
Psijic Explosion, June 21 Housing Hike
Daggerfall Fireplace, June 21 Housing Hike
Silvervind’s Velothi Reverie
Silvervind’s Autumn’s Gate
Silvervind’s Domus Phrasticus
Silvervind’s Earthtear Cavern
Cuddle Party Palace, June 14 Housing Hike
Desert Getaway, June 14 Housing Hike
Creative Kitchen, June 7 Housing Hike
Scholarly Hallway, June 7 Housing Hike
Sturmfaenger, Sugar Bowl Suite Challenge
Freyakwow, Sugar Bowl Suite Challenge
Tigaseye, Sugar Bowl Suite Challenge
snowfaeriewings, Sugar Bowl Suite Challenge
Bosmer Home by Esoterica6
Glorious Horn, June 7 Housing Hike
GrandmaGamer, Sugar Bowl Suite Challenge
Mix2014, Sugar Bowl Suite Challenge
samanthajane, Sugar Bowl Suite Challenge
researchmonkey, Sugar Bowl Suite Challenge
kilo_hoku, Sugar Bowl Suite Challenge
Whrr, Sugar Bowl Suite Challenge
misskatie420, Sugar Bowl Suite Challenge
slyvyrthorn, Sugar Bowl Suite Challenge
SwanS0ng, Sugar Bowl Suite Challenge
Thelazylizard, Sugar Bowl Suite Challenge
Elixotera, Sugar Bowl Suite Challenge
gothicraven, Sugar Bowl Suite Challenge
Italy1974, Sugar Bowl Suite Challenge
Chryseia, Sugar Bowl Suite Challenge
ArchaicMedia, Sugar Bowl Suite Challenge
Taolie, Sugar Bowl Suite Challenge
Doobat, Sugar Bowl Suite Challenge
Tamrixa, Sugar Bowl Suite Challenge
pugsly20, Sugar Bowl Suite Challenge
MayaSunRising, Sugar Bowl Suite Challenge
Sharalei, Sugar Bowl Suite Challenge
Black Market Wares, kolothesinful
Black Market Wares, kolos_angel
Norm’s Mother, May 24 Housing Hike
Nord Throne Room, May 24 Housing Hike
Argonian Abode, May 31 Housing Hike
Wood Elf Home, May 17 Housing Hike
Elevated Bed, May 10 Housing Hike
Ornate Parlor
Roman Feast
Roman Baths
Luxurious Bathroom
Fancy Bath, April 26 Housing Hike
Redguard Bedroom, April 26 Housing Hike
Warm Living Room, April 26 Housing Hike
Inside Hagrid’s Hut
Small Chapel, April 12 Housing Hike
Clockwork Bank, April 12 Housing Hike
Moons Fireplace, April 12 Housing Hike
High Elf Homes: Noble Living Room
High Elf Homes: Glorious Indoor Waterfall
High Elf Homes: Adventurer’s Bedroom
High Elf Homes: Alchemical Exuberance
Crafting Market Kitchen, March 29 Housing Hike
The Bootydive, March 29 Housing Hike
Prepping for Bar Fight, March 29 Housing Hike
Meal for Moo, March 22 Housing Hike
NPC Restroom, March 22 Housing Hike
Hot Tub Bar, March 22 Housing Hike
Daedric Sacrifices, March 22 Housing Hike
Princely Guildhall, March 15 Housing Hike
Alinor Library, March 15 Housing Hike
Woodsy Cabin, March 8 Housing Hike
Brotherhood Casino, March 8 Housing Hike
Runner-up: tehuantl, Enchanted Corridor
Runner-up: Chryseia, Kitchen and Office
Runner-up: Zanosuz, Indoor Gardens
Booze and Pies, February 22 Housing Hike
Breton Room, February 22 Housing Hike
Museum Kitty Corner, February 22 Housing Hike
2nd Place Winner: glassid, Daedric Museum
1st Place Winner: Lashh, Research Tower
“Salmon Enchanted Evening”, February 15 Housing Hike
Internet Pub Revisited, February 15 Housing Hike
Fancy Bank, February 15 Housing Hike
Creepy Room, February 15 Housing Hike
Pool Room, February 8 Housing Hike
Research Clutter, February 8 Housing Hike
Vet Clinic, February 8 Housing Hike
Xanmeer Library, February 8 Housing Hike
Secretive Inn, February 8 Housing Hike
Important Table, February 8 Housing Hike
Cozy Room, February 8 Housing Hike
Moon Priestess, Super Blood Wolf Moon Contest
Dinner Prep, January 25 Housing Hike
Alinor Kitchen, January 11 Housing Hike
Basilica, January 18 Housing Hike
Mathiisen Bedroom, January 18 Housing Hike
Comfy Kitchen, January 18 Housing Hike
Hunting Cabin, January 18 Housing Hike
Internet Pub, January 11 Housing Hike
Orcish Couches, January 4 Housing Hike
Golden Throne, December 21 Housing Hike
Warm Room, December 21 Housing Hike
Cozy Snow Globe, December 21 Housing Hike
Tearna’s Cozy Library!
Elucidous’s Tall Library!
Vampire Bar, November 30 Housing Hike
Nosferatu’s Daedric Library!
Khajiiti Room, November 30 Housing Hike
Museum, November 30 Housing Hike
Creative Kitchen, November 23 Housing Hike
Christmas Cottage, November 23 Housing Hike
One of the 30+ Grand Psijic Villas toured!
TV Room, November 2 Housing Hike
Joust, November 2 Housing Hike
Cottage, November 2 Housing Hike
Alchemy Lab, Halloween Housing Hike
Inviting Bakery, October 19 Housing Hike
Chapel, October 19 Housing Hike
Kitchen, October 5 Housing Hike
Nordic Archery Range, October 12 Housing Hike
Library, October 12 Housing Hike
Tailor Shop, October 5 Housing Hike
Egyptian Tomb, October 12 Housing Hike
One Cheese Please, October 5 Housing Hike
Well-stocked Bar, October 5 Housing Hike
Dangerous Bar, October 5 Housing Hike
Sweetroll Bar, October 5 Housing Hike
Double Bed, September 28 Housing Hike
Kitty Fireplace! September 5 ESO Khajiit housing tour :3
Kitty Parlor! September 5 ESO Khajiit housing tour :3
Kitty Bath! September 5 ESO Khajiit housing tour :3
Artist’s Retreat, August 31 Housing Hike
Arced Hall, August 31 Housing Hike
Redguard Parlor, August 24 Housing Hike