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Skulllord1415’s Goddess Shrine. WINNER!
Skulllord’s Pinwheel Lollipop
Shello2004’s Malacath Makeover, Winner for Craziest Hairdo!
Skulllord’s Happy Mermaid
Chapel, October 19 Housing Hike
Rain_Bat’s Clockwork-sized Egg Beaters!
Xarosea’s Oblivion Astronomy!
Battle of the Gods, January 11 Housing Hike
Offerings to Hircine, January 11 Housing Hike
Mushroom Reef, January 11 Housing Hike
Crystal Dragon, February 8 Housing Hike
Sheo Office, February 22 Housing Hike
1st Place Winner: Lashh, Research Tower
Daedric Summoning, March 15 Housing Hike
Lit Garden, March 15 Housing Hike
Daedric Sacrifices, March 22 Housing Hike
The Bootydive, March 29 Housing Hike
High Elf Homes: Glorious Indoor Waterfall
Intimidating Stadium, May 31 Housing Hike
Black Market Wares, AmbientCrypt
Deano1978, Sugar Bowl Suite Challenge
Alexsae, Sugar Bowl Suite Challenge
Gitaelia, Sugar Bowl Suite Challenge
soundillustrations, Sugar Bowl Suite Challenge
ishtacat, Sugar Bowl Suite Challenge
cloudtrader, Sugar Bowl Suite Challenge
Qähnàärïn13, Sugar Bowl Suite Challenge
Dojohoda, Sugar Bowl Suite Challenge
Bayushi2005, Sugar Bowl Suite Challenge
snowfaeriewings, Sugar Bowl Suite Challenge
Necro Death Hut, June 14 Housing Hike
Issnali’s Dragon
Silvervind’s Moonmirth
Psijic Explosion, June 21 Housing Hike
Blue Grove, June 28 Housing Hike
Bayushi2005, Hall of the Lunar Champion
StabbityDoom, Hall of the Lunar Champion
Pomipom, Hall of the Lunar Champion
emyrs5, Hall of the Lunar Champion
cryhavok’s Mind-Controlling Jellyfish! Furnishing Frenzy WINNER!
Evarelia’s Prototype Planemeld Anchor! Furnishing Frenzy!
Dark Brotherhood Room, July 19 Housing Hike
Cardinal05’s Glowing Fruit Bowl! Furnishing Frenzy!
Hideaway Cave, August 2 Housing Hike
Jungle Pub Dance Floor, August 2 Housing Hike
Small Multistory Home, August 2 Housing Hike
Sorries, Treasure Room
Imagie, Treasure Room
Statue Yard, August 9 Housing Hike
Dark Brotherhood Shrine, August 16 Housing Hike
Orc Party!
Tranquil Bridge, August 23 Housing Hike
Zen Garden, August 23 Housing Hike
Swank Kitchen, August 30 Housing Hike
Lounge, August 30 Housing Hike
Bright Restaurant, EHT Celebration
Soul Cafe, DDA’s Restaurants, Bars, & Pubs
3D Painting, September 20 Housing Hike
Dream Stream, September 20 Housing Hike
Daedric Summoning Portal, September 27 Housing Hike
Silvervind, Geology Lab
Merina, JHartEllis Studies Classroom
Keely_O’Really, Gross Anatomy Lab
Winding Path, November 8 Housing Hike
Red Room, November 8 Housing Hike
Misty Grove Orchard and Chateau Chandelier, November 15 Housing Hike
Grkgemini94’s Kragenhome, Cryogenic Space Freezer
Chandeliers, December 20 Housing Hike
Lillfox’s Festive Tree
Pinoh’s Festive Tree
StabbityDoom’s Fireplace