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zendyra’s boat. WINNER!
zenydra’s truck and hot air balloons
Stormahawk’s Sinking Ship. WINNER!
Tejess’s Mechanical Crab
Titan’s Crying Crocodile
Skulllord’s Leaky Elephant AKA Plumbo. WINNER!
stonesedge’s Fleet of Battleships. WINNER!
Skulllord’s Rocket Ship with Super Booster
Sleek Creek Ship, July 20 Housing Hike
Carnival Fireworks, July 27 Housing Hike
Winter Wonderland, August 31 Housing Hike
Sheo’s Church Fair, September 14 Housing Hike
Ticket Counter! HFB Housing Hike
Horse Hearse, Halloween Housing Hike
BlindGuardian’s TIE Fighter! WINNER!
Durm’s Clockwork Art!
Stormahawk’s Drowning Robot! WINNER!
BlindGuardian’s Thanksgiving Gathering!
Death Ray, November 23 Housing Hike
JHart’s Clockwork Suitor with Toequet!
Wueben’s Recreation of JHart! WINNER!
Swankery’s Spacecraft! WINNER!
Snow Globe Ship! December 28 Housing Hike
Carriage, ETU Winter/Holiday Contest
Hitting the Slopes, ETU Winter/Holiday Contest
Winter Train, ETU Winter/Holiday Contest
UFO Crash, MessinWithSass, Eastmarch Housing Build Challenge
Stargate! February 8 Housing Hike
Vet Clinic, February 8 Housing Hike
Clockwork Airship, February 15 Housing Hike
Brotherhood Casino, March 8 Housing Hike
Particle Collider, March 8 Housing Hike
Zeppelephant, March 15 Housing Hike
Observatory to the Stars, March 29 Housing Hike
Clockwork Bank, April 12 Housing Hike
Star Wars Garbage, April 12 Housing Hike
AT-AT Walker
Star Wars Trash Compactor
Borg Fight! April 19 Housing Hike
Quarry Train, April 26 Housing Hike
“Imperial” Fleet!
The Usual Suspects Scene, May 24 Housing Hike
Hellbent Forge Guild Hall, June 21 Housing Hike
cryhavok’s Stranded Succulent Merchant! Furnishing Frenzy!
Titan’s Tank! Furnishing Frenzy
Tel Galen Boat, July 12 Housing Hike
gothicraven’s Undead Ship! Furnishing Frenzy!
Villa Ship, September 6 Housing Hike
Stormahawk’s Robot Playing with House! Furnishing Frenzy WINNER!
Funky Portal Station, September 20 Housing Hike
Mastercrafter’s Forge, September 20 Housing Hike
Aurbis Mining Outpost Station, October 11 Housing Hike
Sharquez’s Assault Tank, Housing or Bust
Farm Village Tractor, October 18 Housing Hike
Brothers Grimm Cinderella Carriage, October 25 Housing Hike
Ah’teen’s Speedy Guar
Cornucopia by Pinoh
Year of the Dragon Tribute by zanosuz
Luce Leaf Jazz Trio by Zared Korsten
Demeter, Goddess of the Harvest by Elixotera
Imp-operated Flamethrowing Dragon by Ah’teen
Khajiiti Culture Juggler by wtl
Jugglers of Fire by Lillfox
Hello Kitty Pilot Balloon by sueblue
“Glory Be to ALMSIVI!” by moonsister
Mini Elsweyr Float by doobat
Perfect Pounce Float by doobat
High Stakes Float by Evarelia
Lovathy’s Sweetroll Trap
Lotlurien’s Kragenhome, Clockwork Obsession
bayushi2005’s Kragenhome, Spaceship
Neb314’s Kragenhome, Submarine in the Reef
Swankery’s Kragenhome, After Hours Bar
Observatory, December 6 Housing Hike
Forge, December 13 Housing Hike
Forge, December 20 Housing Hike
bluesafron’s Spaceship
walkingspanish’s Spaceship
bayushi2005’s Spaceship
Stormahawk’s Spaceship
doobat’s Spaceship
Callaleo’s Spaceship
Saucy_Jack’s Spaceship
StabbityDoom’s Catship
lellieg8’s Spaceship
lellieg8’s Spaceship (Far)
IvoryCrow’s Small Spaceship
Lillfox’s Spaceship
Italy1974’s Spaceship
hornheb’s Spaceship
Grkgemini94’s Spaceship
Wendigoal’s Spaceship
Evarelia’s Spaceship (Back)
Evarelia’s Spaceship (Front)
agenderfox’s Spaceship