Moon-Sugar Meadow is a Crown Only Notable home located in Northern Elsweyr.
Below is a gallery of examples of this home from prior contests and tours hosted by JHartEllis. Click through for bigger versions.
arrehova’s Pampered Pet
danielder6’s Moo Year
More614’s Markarth Home Goods Creation
More614’s Markarth Home Goods Creation
doobat’s Monolith Makeover
ALLnivore87’s Fashionable Guar
NecrosisTheDark’s Antiquity, Void-Crystal Anomaly
NecrosisTheDark’s Glorious Golden Cow
NecrosisTheDark’s Glorious Golden Cow
ALLnivore87’s Glorious Golden Cow
ALLnivore87’s Glorious Golden Cow
ALLnivore87’s Solitude Home Goods Creation
Volringer’s Built Blossom
gothicraven’s Built Blossom
StabbityDoom’s Built Blossom
StabbityDoom’s Flower Arrangement
Roesha’s Toilet
Thunderaan’s Toilet
agenderfox’s Stadium
vinlaus, M*A*S*H
shock_centurion’s Heart
Evarelia’s Heart
Vuedange’s Fireplace
Grkgemini94’s Spaceship
bayushi2005’s Spaceship
Whrr’s Festive Tree
Ruinous Treats, December 6 Housing Hike
Ruinous Treasure, December 6 Housing Hike
Danuviel’s Feast
Hidden Meadow Tree, November 22 Housing Hike
Luce Leaf Jazz Band, November 15 Housing Hike
Luce Leaf Stage and Bar, November 15 Housing Hike
Swamp Creatures, November 2 Housing Hike
Sri Lanka Palace Tea Setting, October 25 Housing Hike
Swank’s Moving Castle, DDA’s “Build a Monster”
Meadow Painting Inspiration, October 11 Housing Hike