Golden Moosletter — Gold-Making Tips

Updated for Q1 2025! The goal here is to help you get to that next level of trading. I also focus on this sort of information often on my livestream at

This should help to keep you in the know of the best current in-game ESO markets. 

Spot prices on PC/NA:

Tempering Alloy: 6,100g (48.8k for legendary upgrade) — flat Quarter-over-Quarter

Dreugh Wax: 14,900g (119.2k for legendary upgrade) — up 4%

Rosin: 1,100g (8.8k for legendary upgrade) — down 13%

Zircon Plating: 4,000g (16k for epic upgrade) — up 38%

Chromium Plating: 11,500g (92k for legendary upgrade) — up 6%

Kuta: 3,300g — up 3%

Decorative Wax: 350g — up 25%

Mundane Rune: 440g — down 12%

Heartwood: 880g — flat

The general broad market free fall has seemingly hit a floor, with most prices stabilizing or bouncing up a bit. Sales are slowly picking up in what might be a post-capitulation environment. However, the market is still in a major liquidity crisis, and there doesn’t seem much relief in sight. ZOS would need to make major changes to systems to even start to make the in-game economy less dysfunctional, which could come with the summer seasons update, but may well not.

Will be looking forward to the April reveal for signs of base game improvements that may bolster the market.

General Advice

Daily crafting writs reliably generate valuable upgrade materials, sealed writs, and surveys. Level up your crafts to 50 and put Skill Points into Metalworking/Tailoring/Aspect/Engraver/Woodworking in order to have the highest chance of getting gold mats. Slot the Plentiful Harvest perk for surveys.

Writ Vouchers

Attunable stations: 185,000g (740g/voucher or 681g/voucher after 8% fees)

Research Scrolls: 2100g (700g/voucher or 644g/voucher after 8% fees)

The Writ Voucher market currently seems to be relatively stable.

Big stacks of consumables (like bundles of Attunable stations) are generally the most profitable and the most effective use of sales slots. Keep in mind that anyone trying to fill out the Grand Master stations needs upwards of 80 of each of them.

Vitamin RNG with purple furnishing plans can give above-market returns. Use TTC to identify temporary shortages of other Writ Voucher offerings (such as folios) to get great returns.

Filters using AGS, MM, and WritWorthy can be a great way to quickly sort out good sealed writs on the guild traders. Doing sealed writs efficiently with addons is an amazing way of gaining CP while also freeing up value from your craft bag from otherwise awkward materials.

Alliance Points

Dawn-Prism: 9,000g (0.45g per AP) (do not buy these–this is just a baseline)

Random gear is almost always the best way to go, often getting a nearly 1:1 ratio. Vicious Death (from the Specialized Gear Vendor in Cropsford at 12k AP per box) is a good pick. Deadly Strike boxes from Bruma is another okay choice. Gear is generally quite illiquid, and you may be best using AP for unique items for yourself such as Achievement Furnishings.

Tel Var

Hakeijo: 23,000g (4.6g per TV) (do not buy these–this is just a baseline).

Superb Imperial Reward boxes will give random piece of potentially good gear (and you’ll likely pick up bound Xivkyn polymorphs for yourself). Alternatively, buy specific sets from the Tel Var Armorer merchant. Current great opportunity is to buy the tradable blue Unidentified containers–popular sets like Powerful Assault go for about 8:1, and the others may go for even more just for the sake of stickerbook progress.

Crafted/Overland Gear

Crafted sets that are selling well with highest volume listed first:

Order’s Wrath



Night Mother’s Gaze

Wretched Vitality

New Moon Acolyte

Druid’s Braid

Daedric Trickery

Clever Alchemist

Heartland Conqueror

Use Dolgubon’s Lazy Set Crafter to stay on top of listings as they sell. I always recommend making gear in rarer, sexier styles and with Kuta-level enchants–it can give a major edge over more basic listings, selling more quickly or at higher margins.

A few other sets of note:

Healer’s Habit (DSA)

Briarheart (Wrothgar)

Hexos’ Ward (Deadlands)

War Maiden (Vvardenfell)

Macabre Vintage (West Weald)

Golding out in-demand best-traited weapons is a great way to boost sales and get extra value from upgrade mats. Consider changing the enchant too to make it grab-and-go ready.

Crafted Furnishings

Housing is still a relatively bright spot in the market and more of an emphasis as ESO matures. Use the HearthHome Filter addon to identify gaps in the market for craftable furnishings with little to no presence on the guild traders. A premium of 50-100% over craft cost is a good target.


Be sure to check out the monthly Daily Rewards from logging in each day–these often give a chunk of currencies and unique collectibles, though they don’t tend to have big direct market impacts.

Also check out the monthly Crown Store Showcase to figure out when various Undaunted monster masks will be farmable. Always best to get the shoulders from the blue RNG boxes from the respective Pledge stores for 1 Undaunted Key each.


A few houses worth buying just for the tradable furnishings:

-Kragenhome for 69,000g gives Dark Elf Bed of Coals worth ~120,000g.

-Autumn’s Gate for 60,000g gives Firelogs, Flaming worth ~115,000g.

-Ald Velothi Harbor House for 322,000g gives a Shed, Well, Sillar Stone items, and more worth at least double.

Piecing together fragments into runeboxes can be a good way to add value. You can use my list here to search for missing pieces.

Make the most of your limited sales slots. Sell only great items, and stack them together whenever possible. Relist often for better visibility and the opportunity to adjust pricing.

Stay Spicy!
