Housing Hike! June 12, 2020

Housing Hike is casually touring player homes in the Elder Scrolls Online and looking at cool creations! Starting with EU homes and then NA homes!

Streamed at twitch.tv/jhartellis on June 12, 2020–follow/subscribe for fun content and contests!

A few highlights–EU:

A few highlights–NA:

Thanks everyone for opening up their homes for these great tours!

Housing Hike is streamed every Friday night at twitch.tv/jhartellis, so be sure to follow/subscribe. If you have a home on PC/NA or PC/EU you’ve been working on recently and want it included on the Hike, send a mail in-game to @JHartEllis

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Housing Hike! June 5, 2020

Housing Hike is casually touring player homes in the Elder Scrolls Online and looking at cool creations! Starting with EU homes and then NA homes!

Streamed at twitch.tv/jhartellis on June 5, 2020–follow/subscribe for fun content and contests!

A few highlights–EU:

A few highlights–NA:

Thanks everyone for opening up their homes for these great tours!

Housing Hike is streamed every Friday night at twitch.tv/jhartellis, so be sure to follow/subscribe. If you have a home on PC/NA or PC/EU you’ve been working on recently and want it included on the Hike, send a mail in-game to @JHartEllis

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Housing Hike! May 29, 2020

Housing Hike is casually touring player homes in the Elder Scrolls Online and looking at cool creations! Starting with EU homes and then NA homes!

Note: no vod this week–focus was on Feeding America charity donations. EU homes were delayed to the following week.
Streamed at twitch.tv/jhartellis on May 29, 2020–follow/subscribe for fun content and contests!

A few highlights–NA:

Thanks everyone for opening up their homes for these great tours!

Housing Hike is streamed every Friday night at twitch.tv/jhartellis, so be sure to follow/subscribe. If you have a home on PC/NA or PC/EU you’ve been working on recently and want it included on the Hike, send a mail in-game to @JHartEllis

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Build a Blossom! 🌼🔨

Touring BUILD A BLOSSOM housing contest entries in the Elder Scrolls Online!! This was part of a housing contest hosted by JHartEllis that was open to PC/EU and PC/NA. The goal was to make a creative constructed flower blossom out of non-plant furnishings–hopefully to make people think outside the flower box. And the entries sure did! Fun designs, unnatural beauty, and inorganic splendor.🌼🔨

Streamed at twitch.tv/jhartellis on May 23, 2020–follow/subscribe for fun content and contests!

Top 6 Blossoms:


All 34 Entries:
(in reverse touring order)

Volringer's Built Blossom
Volringer’s Built Blossom
jayasinjelly's Built Blossom
jayasinjelly’s Built Blossom
SushiAddict's Built Blossom
SushiAddict’s Built Blossom
Pinoh's Built Blossom
Pinoh’s Built Blossom
Tyatae's Built Blossom
Tyatae’s Built Blossom
marleibearluv's Built Blossom
marleibearluv’s Built Blossom
Kelektra's Built Blossom
Kelektra’s Built Blossom
NecrosisTheDark's Built Blossom
NecrosisTheDark’s Built Blossom
Imagie's Built Blossom
Imagie’s Built Blossom
tanubanue's Built Blossom
tanubanue’s Built Blossom
Lellie-G8's Built Blossom
Lellie-G8’s Built Blossom
snowfaeriewings's Built Blossom
snowfaeriewings’s Built Blossom
Ah'teen's Built Blossom
Ah’teen’s Built Blossom
ALLnivore87's Built Blossom
ALLnivore87’s Built Blossom
Kusandra's Built Blossom
Kusandra’s Built Blossom
Kusandra's Built Blossom
Kusandra’s Built Blossom
gothicraven's Built Blossom
gothicraven’s Built Blossom
Evarelia's Built Blossom
Evarelia’s Built Blossom
Joyousone's Built Blossom
Joyousone’s Built Blossom
Vyuex's Built Blossom
Vyuex’s Built Blossom
StabbityDoom's Built Blossom
StabbityDoom’s Built Blossom
Grkgemini94's Built Blossom
Grkgemini94’s Built Blossom
Toadsticker18's Built Blossom
Toadsticker18’s Built Blossom
jenjersnap's Built Blossom
jenjersnap’s Built Blossom
jenjersnap's Built Blossom
jenjersnap’s Built Blossom
Lashh's Built Blossom
Lashh’s Built Blossom
Sorries's Built Blossom
Sorries’s Built Blossom
Doree89's Built Blossom
Doree89’s Built Blossom
ayalockheart's Built Blossom
ayalockheart’s Built Blossom
perdita's Built Blossom
perdita’s Built Blossom
doobat's Built Blossom
doobat’s Built Blossom
HachikoChan's Built Blossom
HachikoChan’s Built Blossom
ermenaa's Built Blossom
ermenaa’s Built Blossom
Feypixie's Built Blossom
Feypixie’s Built Blossom
seecodenotgames's Built Blossom
seecodenotgames’s Built Blossom
moonsister's Built Blossom
moonsister’s Built Blossom

Thanks everyone for the great entries!

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Housing Hike! May 22, 2020

Housing Hike is casually touring player homes in the Elder Scrolls Online and looking at cool creations! Starting with EU homes and then NA homes!

Streamed at twitch.tv/jhartellis on May 22, 2020–follow/subscribe for fun content and contests!

A few highlights–EU:

A few highlights–NA:

Thanks everyone for opening up their homes for these great tours!

Housing Hike is streamed every Friday night at twitch.tv/jhartellis, so be sure to follow/subscribe. If you have a home on PC/NA or PC/EU you’ve been working on recently and want it included on the Hike, send a mail in-game to @JHartEllis

Follow JHartEllis on Twitter

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Flower Arrangements! 🌺

Touring FLOWER ARRANGEMENT housing contest entries in the Elder Scrolls Online!! This was part of a housing contest hosted by JHartEllis that was open to PC/EU and PC/NA. The goal was to make a beautiful flower arrangement using no more than 30 furnishings! Lots of creative and artistic designs–really top-tier ESO housing! 🌺

Streamed at twitch.tv/jhartellis on May 20, 2020–follow/subscribe for fun content and contests!

Top 6 Beautiful Arrangements:


All 35 Entries:
(in reverse touring order)

FlynRyder's Flower Arrangement
FlynRyder’s Flower Arrangement
NecrosisTheDark's Flower Arrangement
NecrosisTheDark’s Flower Arrangement
BassetHawk's Flower Arrangement
BassetHawk’s Flower Arrangement
Waverly13's Flower Arrangement
Waverly13’s Flower Arrangement
SushiAddict's Flower Arrangement
SushiAddict’s Flower Arrangement
tinkerjells7's Flower Arrangement
tinkerjells7’s Flower Arrangement
snowfaeriewing's Flower Arrangement
snowfaeriewing’s Flower Arrangement
NightCrawler85's Flower Arrangement
NightCrawler85’s Flower Arrangement
Chryseia's Flower Arrangement
Chryseia’s Flower Arrangement
StabbityDoom's Flower Arrangement
StabbityDoom’s Flower Arrangement
Evarelia's Flower Arrangement
Evarelia’s Flower Arrangement
YaniMadsen's Flower Arrangement
YaniMadsen’s Flower Arrangement
AzeliaStone's Flower Arrangement
AzeliaStone’s Flower Arrangement
Sharalei's Flower Arrangement
Sharalei’s Flower Arrangement
ray75228's Flower Arrangement
ray75228’s Flower Arrangement
Ah'teen's Flower Arrangement
Ah’teen’s Flower Arrangement
gothicraven's Flower Arrangement
gothicraven’s Flower Arrangement
ALLnivore87's Flower Arrangement
ALLnivore87’s Flower Arrangement
ZaredKorsten's Flower Arrangement
ZaredKorsten’s Flower Arrangement
Shaydin_Eliot's Flower Arrangement
Shaydin_Eliot’s Flower Arrangement
Needleroozer's Flower Arrangement
Needleroozer’s Flower Arrangement
SterlingBee's Flower Arrangement
SterlingBee’s Flower Arrangement
Toadsticker18's Flower Arrangement
Toadsticker18’s Flower Arrangement
Flimmteuf's Flower Arrangement
Flimmteuf’s Flower Arrangement
Lashh's Flower Arrangement
Lashh’s Flower Arrangement
Tyatae's Flower Arrangement
Tyatae’s Flower Arrangement
Feendish898's Flower Arrangement
Feendish898’s Flower Arrangement
perdita's Flower Arrangement
perdita’s Flower Arrangement
doobat's Flower Arrangement
doobat’s Flower Arrangement
sbeia's Flower Arrangement
sbeia’s Flower Arrangement
Sturmfaenger's Flower Arrangement
Sturmfaenger’s Flower Arrangement
ermenaa's Flower Arrangement
ermenaa’s Flower Arrangement
Doree89's Flower Arrangement
Doree89’s Flower Arrangement
Feypixie's Flower Arrangement
Feypixie’s Flower Arrangement
seecodenotgames's Flower Arrangement
seecodenotgames’s Flower Arrangement

Thanks everyone for the great entries!

Follow JHartEllis on Twitter

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Housing Hike! May 15, 2020

Housing Hike is casually touring player homes in the Elder Scrolls Online and looking at cool creations! Starting with EU homes and then NA homes!

Streamed at twitch.tv/jhartellis on May 15, 2020–follow/subscribe for fun content and contests!

A few highlights–EU:

A few highlights–NA:

Thanks everyone for opening up their homes for these great tours!

Housing Hike is streamed every Friday night at twitch.tv/jhartellis, so be sure to follow/subscribe. If you have a home on PC/NA or PC/EU you’ve been working on recently and want it included on the Hike, send a mail in-game to @JHartEllis

Follow JHartEllis on Twitter

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Housing Hike! May 8, 2020

Housing Hike is casually touring player homes in the Elder Scrolls Online and looking at cool creations! Starting with EU homes and then NA homes!

Streamed at twitch.tv/jhartellis on May 8, 2020–follow/subscribe for fun content and contests!

A few highlights–EU:

A few highlights–NA:

Thanks everyone for opening up their homes for these great tours!

Housing Hike is streamed every Friday night at twitch.tv/jhartellis, so be sure to follow/subscribe. If you have a home on PC/NA or PC/EU you’ve been working on recently and want it included on the Hike, send a mail in-game to @JHartEllis

Follow JHartEllis on Twitter

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Previewing Greymoor Antiquity Furnishings!

Previewing the 79 new antiquity furnishings coming with the ESO Greymoor chapter update in 2020. This was recorded on the Public Test Server of The Elder Scrolls Online. Furnishings are previewed first by type.

If you have Greymoor, you’ll be able to find leads for items from various zones, scry for them to figure out whereabouts they are buried, and then excavate them to dig them up. Purple/epic items should be relatively more common and easier to do than gold/legendary items.

Furnishings are then shown off grouped by zone.

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Housing Hike! May 1, 2020

Housing Hike is casually touring player homes in the Elder Scrolls Online and looking at cool creations! Starting with EU homes and then NA homes!

Streamed at twitch.tv/jhartellis on May 1, 2020–follow/subscribe for fun content and contests!

A few highlights–EU:

A few highlights–NA:

Thanks everyone for opening up their homes for these great tours!

Housing Hike is streamed every Friday night at twitch.tv/jhartellis, so be sure to follow/subscribe. If you have a home on PC/NA or PC/EU you’ve been working on recently and want it included on the Hike, send a mail in-game to @JHartEllis

Follow JHartEllis on Twitter

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