Chocolate Challenge! 🍫

Touring Chocolatier Challenge housing contest entries in the Elder Scrolls Online!! This was part of a housing contest hosted by JHartEllis that was open to PC/EU and PC/NA. The goal was to make something chocolaty in ESO–big challenge without any chocolate items, so creativity was key! Totally amazed at what people were able to come up with: cakes, sundaes, sculptures, whole houses, and more!

Streamed at on March 26, 2020–follow/subscribe for fun content and contests!

Top 6 Chocolaty Homes:


All 10 Entries:
(in reverse touring order)

Callaleo's Chocolate Treats Display Case
Callaleo’s Chocolate Treats Display Case
Callaleo's Chocolate Sundae Bar
Callaleo’s Chocolate Sundae Bar
Callaleo's Chocolate Buffet
Callaleo’s Chocolate Buffet
Evarelia's Chocolate Oscar
Evarelia’s Chocolate Oscar
Feendish898's Chocolate Cafe
Feendish898’s Chocolate Cafe
Feendish898's Chocolate Cafe
Feendish898’s Chocolate Cafe
ALLnivore87's Giant Chocolate Pie
ALLnivore87’s Giant Chocolate Pie
researchmonkey's Easter Production Facility, Step 4?
researchmonkey’s Easter Production Facility, Step 4?
researchmonkey's Easter Production Facility, Step 3
researchmonkey’s Easter Production Facility, Step 3
researchmonkey's Easter Production Facility, Step 2
researchmonkey’s Easter Production Facility, Step 2
researchmonkey's Easter Production Facility, Step 1
researchmonkey’s Easter Production Facility, Step 1
Perdita's Bakery
Perdita’s Bakery
Perdita's Chocolate Bakery
Perdita’s Chocolate Bakery
seecodenotgames's Chocolate Cake
seecodenotgames’s Chocolate Cake
Lovathy's Delicious Local Chocolate Taste Testing
Lovathy’s Delicious Local Chocolate Taste Testing
Doree89's Choco Bar
Doree89’s Choco Bar
Doree89's Cocoa Bar
Doree89’s Cocoa Bar
Doree89's Chocolate Apples, Fountain, and Cocoa Bar
Doree89’s Chocolate Apples, Fountain, and Cocoa Bar
Doree89's Chocolate Cakes
Doree89’s Chocolate Cakes
HachikoChan's Chocolate House
HachikoChan’s Chocolate House
HachikoChan's Chocolate House
HachikoChan’s Chocolate House

Thanks everyone for the great entries!

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Housing Hike! March 20, 2020

Housing Hike is casually touring player homes in the Elder Scrolls Online and looking at cool creations! Starting with EU homes and then NA homes!

Streamed at on March 20, 2020–follow/subscribe for fun content and contests!

A few highlights–EU:

A few highlights–NA:

Thanks everyone for opening up their homes for these great tours!

Housing Hike is streamed every Friday night at, so be sure to follow/subscribe. If you have a home on PC/NA or PC/EU you’ve been working on recently and want it included on the Hike, send a mail in-game to @JHartEllis

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Opening 100+ Gloomspore Crown Crates 🍄

Opening 113 Gloomspore Crown Crates in The Elder Scrolls Online! Gives a sense of crate rewards and drop rates (did get a radiant apex, which wasn’t expected). New items are previewed at the end. Good luck to you if you open crates! Or if you don’t care for crates, that’s fine too.

Streamed at on March 19, 2020–follow/subscribe for fun content and contests!

Edit: moar!

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Lucky Houses! ☘️

Touring LUCK housing contest entries in the Elder Scrolls Online!! This was part of a housing contest hosted by JHartEllis that was open to PC/EU and PC/NA. The goal was to bring some luck to ESO housing–fun takes including rainbows, charms, leprechauns, shrines, and games!

Streamed at on March 17, 2020–follow/subscribe for fun content and contests!

Top 6 Lucky Homes:


All 12 Entries:
(in touring order)

Lilith4657's Lucky Flipping Coin (Aftermath)
Lilith4657’s Lucky Flipping Coin (Aftermath)
Lilith4657's Lucky Flipping Coin (Aftermath)
Lilith4657’s Lucky Flipping Coin (Aftermath)
Feypixie's Good Luck Shrine
Feypixie’s Good Luck Shrine
HachikoChan's Lucky Rainbow with LepreChan
HachikoChan’s Lucky Rainbow with LepreChan
HachikoChan's Lucky Rainbow
HachikoChan’s Lucky Rainbow
Callaleo's Lucky Find
Callaleo’s Lucky Find
ALLnivore87's Game of Chance
ALLnivore87’s Game of Chance
ALLnivore87's Game of Chance
ALLnivore87’s Game of Chance
Evarelia's Lucky Charms
Evarelia’s Lucky Charms
Evarelia's Lucky Charms
Evarelia’s Lucky Charms
StabbityDoom's 13 Unlucky Events
StabbityDoom’s 13 Unlucky Events
StabbityDoom's 13 Unlucky Events
StabbityDoom’s 13 Unlucky Events
agenderfox's Lucky Charms
agenderfox’s Lucky Charms
agenderfox's Lucky games
agenderfox’s Lucky games
newbluegoo's Lucky Stealing Stash
newbluegoo’s Lucky Stealing Stash
Stormahawk's Stonks
Stormahawk’s Stonks
Pinoh's Luck Charms
Pinoh’s Luck Charms
Areye's Lucky Balancing House
Areye’s Lucky Balancing House

Thanks everyone for the great entries!

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Housing Hike! March 13, 2020

Housing Hike is casually touring player homes in the Elder Scrolls Online and looking at cool creations! Starting with EU homes and then NA homes!

Streamed at on March 13, 2020–follow/subscribe for fun content and contests!

A few highlights–EU:

A few highlights–NA:

Thanks everyone for opening up their homes for these great tours!

Housing Hike is streamed every Friday night at, so be sure to follow/subscribe. If you have a home on PC/NA or PC/EU you’ve been working on recently and want it included on the Hike, send a mail in-game to @JHartEllis

Follow JHartEllis on Twitter

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Housing Hike! March 6, 2020

Housing Hike is casually touring player homes in the Elder Scrolls Online and looking at cool creations! Starting with EU homes and then NA homes!

Streamed at on March 6, 2020–follow/subscribe for fun content and contests!

A few highlights–EU:

A few highlights–NA:

Thanks everyone for opening up their homes for these great tours!

Housing Hike is streamed every Friday night at, so be sure to follow/subscribe. If you have a home on PC/NA or PC/EU you’ve been working on recently and want it included on the Hike, send a mail in-game to @JHartEllis

Follow JHartEllis on Twitter

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Stunning Stadiums! 🏟️

Touring STUNNING STADIUMS housing contest entries in the Elder Scrolls Online!! This was part of a housing contest hosted by JHartEllis that was open to PC/EU and PC/NA. The goal was to create a place for lots of people to gather to watch a show! Fun takes on the theme, and a lot of creativity on display. Get some inspiration for your own builds. 🙂

Streamed at on February 29, 2020–follow/subscribe for fun content and contests!

Top 6 Stadiums:


All 17 Entries:
(in reverse touring order)

Cardinal05's Stadium (FX on)
Cardinal05’s Stadium (FX on)
Cardinal05's Stadium (FX off)
Cardinal05’s Stadium (FX off)
agenderfox's Stadium
agenderfox’s Stadium
researchmonkey's Ultimate Robot Championship
researchmonkey’s Ultimate Robot Championship
researchmonkey's Ultimate Robot Championship
researchmonkey’s Ultimate Robot Championship
Synozeer's Stadium
Synozeer’s Stadium
Synozeer's Stadium
Synozeer’s Stadium
Grkgemini94's Stadium
Grkgemini94’s Stadium
Grkgemini94's Stadium
Grkgemini94’s Stadium
Lotusiar27's Stadium
Lotusiar27’s Stadium
Evarelia's Stadium
Evarelia’s Stadium
Lillfox's Stadium Tavern
Lillfox’s Stadium Tavern
jenjersnap's Molag Bal Arena
jenjersnap’s Molag Bal Arena
jenjersnap's Molag Bal Arena
jenjersnap’s Molag Bal Arena
jenjersnap's Molag Bal Arena
jenjersnap’s Molag Bal Arena
moysiades's Stadium
moysiades’s Stadium
Sorries's Pillow Fight Arena
Sorries’s Pillow Fight Arena
Neb314's Quidditch Pitch
Neb314’s Quidditch Pitch
Neb314's Quidditch Pitch
Neb314’s Quidditch Pitch
Ridlok's Stadium
Ridlok’s Stadium
seecodenotgames's Stadium
seecodenotgames’s Stadium
Lilith4657's Mouse Gladiator Arena
Lilith4657’s Mouse Gladiator Arena
Lilith4657's Mouse Gladiator Arena
Lilith4657’s Mouse Gladiator Arena
Ellandria's Kitty Stadium
Ellandria’s Kitty Stadium
MercilessCult's Stadium
MercilessCult’s Stadium

Thanks everyone for the great entries!

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Housing Hike! February 28, 2020

Housing Hike is casually touring player homes in the Elder Scrolls Online and looking at cool creations! Starting with EU homes and then NA homes!

Streamed at on February 28, 2020–follow/subscribe for fun content and contests!

A few highlights–EU:

A few highlights–NA:

Thanks everyone for opening up their homes for these great tours!

Housing Hike is streamed every Friday night at, so be sure to follow/subscribe. If you have a home on PC/NA or PC/EU you’ve been working on recently and want it included on the Hike, send a mail in-game to @JHartEllis

Follow JHartEllis on Twitter

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TV Shows! 📺

Touring “TV Shows” housing contest entries in the Elder Scrolls Online!! This was part of a housing contest hosted by JHartEllis that was open to PC/EU and PC/NA. The goal was to bring an iconic set from a television series into ESO–hard to do with the not-so-modern furnishings! Totally amazed by the entries!

Streamed at on February 26, 2020–follow/subscribe for fun content and contests!

Top 6 Shows:


All 13 Entries:
(in reverse touring order)

Joyousone, I Love Lucy (Vitameatavegamin Scene)
Joyousone, I Love Lucy (Vitameatavegamin Scene)
Wendigoals, Hannibal (Clock)
Wendigoals, Hannibal (Clock)
Wendigoals, Hannibal (Cabin)
Wendigoals, Hannibal (Cabin)
Skulllord1415, Spongebob Squarepants
Skulllord1415, Spongebob Squarepants
ThoraldGM, Cheers
ThoraldGM, Cheers
RavenSurana, The Dragon Prince (Banther Lodge)
RavenSurana, The Dragon Prince (Banther Lodge)
RavenSurana, The Dragon Prince (Banther Lodge)
RavenSurana, The Dragon Prince (Banther Lodge)
vinlaus, M*A*S*H
vinlaus, M*A*S*H
Evarelia, A Series of Unfortunate Events (Aunt Josephine's House)
Evarelia, A Series of Unfortunate Events (Aunt Josephine’s House)
Callaleo, Rick and Morty (garage lab)
Callaleo, Rick and Morty (garage lab)
sqwerl99, Friends (Central Perk)
sqwerl99, Friends (Central Perk)
danielder6, South Park
danielder6, South Park
danielder6, South Park
danielder6, South Park
Doree89, Looney Tunes
Doree89, Looney Tunes
Doree89, Looney Tunes
Doree89, Looney Tunes
Nelira, Twin Peaks
Nelira, Twin Peaks
Lilith4657, Stranger Things
Lilith4657, Stranger Things

Thanks everyone for the great entries!

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Housing Hike! February 21, 2020

Housing Hike is casually touring player homes in the Elder Scrolls Online and looking at cool creations! Starting with EU homes and then NA homes!

Streamed at on February 21, 2020–follow/subscribe for fun content and contests!

A few highlights–EU:

A few highlights–NA:

Thanks everyone for opening up their homes for these great tours!

Housing Hike is streamed every Friday night at, so be sure to follow/subscribe. If you have a home on PC/NA or PC/EU you’ve been working on recently and want it included on the Hike, send a mail in-game to @JHartEllis

Follow JHartEllis on Twitter

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