Tales of a Tribute is a fun deck-building game with tons of variety and strategy. Matches are usually pretty quick (5-10 minutes), and each one will be very different based on which Patrons are selected, which upgrades are in the mix, which cards flop onto the Tavern, and which cards you draw from your deck. While RNG plays a big role, you can get this to work in your favor based on how you change up the Tavern.
Figuring out the most effective order to play the cards you have is a good mental exercise, and there are lots of fun combos to try for. You can test different strategies and see what works and what isn’t so reliable. Winning is never certain, and it’s exciting to pull off crazy combos to try to get ahead.
There are also many rewards for playing matches, whether directly through achievements or repeatedly through end-of-match reward purses. Additionally, there are extra furnishings and Transmute Crystals each season for progressing through the ranked leaderboard.
The playing area may be a bit overwhelming at first, but there aren’t too many parts. You can hover over any of the components for more info. The best way to become familiar is to play a few matches to see what your options look like–the board is laid out quite intuitively, and things glow if they are current options.
In the center are the 5 purchasable cards in the Tavern. Your Coin, Prestige, and Power are displayed below. Patrons are on the right as well as the timer. You’ll play cards from your hand to generate resources, purchase cards and/or interact with a Patron, and end your turn.
This is a deck-building game, and there aren’t supposed to be many surprises. One big thing is to learn that you can click on the various piles to see what is in them. You can click your Opponent’s Draw Pile to see what they are most likely to do on their coming turns, so you can play around that. If your opponent has exactly 5 cards in their hand, click the Opponent’s Cooldown pile instead, and then Opponent’s Draw and Hand, and you can see exactly what’s in their hand this coming turn.

It’s often good to check your own Draw Pile to see if you can potentially hit a combo by drawing a card or if it’s best to wait. There are many situations where checking these piles will be relevant, so keep it in mind as a tool.
Early: Your options will be very limited with only 4-5 Coin in the beginning. Your goal should be to take strong cards from the Tavern if you can afford them. Otherwise, Treasury upgrades are often the right choice at the beginning so you can afford more powerful cards in a few turns.
Mid: Continue to strengthen your deck and try to get cards that will combo with other cards you already own. Be mindful of what your opponent is going for as you may need to act defensively if things are lining up too well for them.
Late: Think about a path to victory and how your opponent might react. Focus more on useful Contract cards rather than continuing to buy cards for your deck.
Most matches are a matter of whomever reaches 40 Prestige first, but that’s a little oversimplified. You win if you maintain at least 40 Prestige and your opponent is unable to surpass you. Otherwise, you can continue to leapfrog each other. Play continues on ties, so that’s always an aim to keep things going.
Matches also end if a player can end their turn with 80+ points. This is quite rare, but this can happen all in a couple turns with super combos or in very even matches that continue to leapfrog from 40 to 80.
Matches end instantly if a player can win the favor of all four Patrons. This isn’t very common outside of NPC matches since most players can play around this relatively easily. There are a small handful of cards that grant extra Patron interactions, and that does change the dynamic.
Pay 2 Coin to sacrifice 1 card from your played cards. Generate a Writ of Coin.
Writ of Coin is basically an upgraded Gold but gives 2 Coin instead of 1. It’s very important early on to get some upgrades in this way to be able to afford better cards. Suited starter cards can also be good cards to upgrade if they are otherwise weighing you down. Treasury is also a great way to get rid of pesky Bewilderment cards.

Favored: Pay 2 Power to move an Agent from your cooldown to the top of you draw pile
Neutral: Pay 2 Power to move an Agent from your cooldown to the top of you draw pile
Unfavored: Pay 2 Power to move an Agent from your cooldown to the top of you draw pile
Pelin’s Patron ability allows you to move a powerful agent to the top of your deck, allowing you to draw it the next turn or immediately if you have drawing cards. This patron power is not used very often.
The flavor of Pelin’s deck is mostly about raw Power with very little fuss. Strong agents with Taunt can be used to shield other Agents from other decks.
Going all in on Pelin can be a brisk march towards 40 Prestige, but you’ll be hurting for economy and could readily be surpassed if your opponent can line up combos.

Favored: Sacrifice a card to gain Prestige equal to the card’s coin value minus 1
Neutral: Sacrifice a card to gain Prestige equal to the card’s coin value minus 1
Unfavored: Sacrifice a card to gain Prestige equal to the card’s coin value minus 1
Hlaalu’s Patron ability allows you to sacrifice expensive cards in the final stretch to victory. It can also be used to thin out your deck of relatively weak cards you picked up early on.
The flavor of Hlaalu’s deck is about building up economy, acquiring cards, and then sacrificing them. Lining up acquisition combos is important. Late game, sacrificing valuable cards can be way to pad your Prestige.
Going all in on Hlaalu cards may leave you starved for Power and unable to deal with threats.

Favored: Can’t be used
Neutral: Sacrifice all your current Coin and gain Power minus 1
Unfavored: Sacrifice all your current Coin and gain Power minus 1
Crow’s Patron ability is often used to end a game if it can get you to 40 Prestige. It’s one and done unless your opponent flips it back to Neutral, so only use this when needed. It may need to be used early to deal with agents, or it may make sense to flip it when you have a lot of Coin but not other good options.
The flavor of Crow’s deck is about massive chained Draw combos. This can allow you to cycle through your deck with a good balance of Coin and Power.
Going all in on Crows can be effective if you are consistent with being able to hit combos, but you generally have to hit Combo 3 to trigger Draws, which can be quite difficult to pull off reliably.

Favored: Pay 4 Coin to knock out an opponent’s active agent
Neutral: Pay 4 Coin to knock out an opponent’s active agent
Unfavored: Pay 4 Coin to knock out an opponent’s active agent
Celarus’s Patron ability is a surefire way of killing one agent, but it’s expensive.
The flavor of Celarus’s deck is about using the Toss mechanic to bypass weak cards and to line up combos.
Going all in on Celarus will generally leave you starved for resources. This is more of a utility deck.

Favored: Can’t be used but gives 1 Coin at the start of each turn
Neutral: Pay 2 Power, Gain 1 Coin
Unfavored: Pay 2 Power, Gain 1 Coin, flips to Favored
Hunding’s Patron ability is the only one that flips from Unfavored to Favored, so it ends up being a tug-of-war over who gets the extra Coin each turn. Having some source for power can help to secure this more readily.
The flavor of Hunding’s deck is about choices: usually between raw Power and moving cards to the top of your deck. Pick whichever is more useful given the situation. Using Refresh can often line up crazy combos.
Going all in on Hunding may leave you a bit economy starved and hurting for Draw power.
Deck acquired in High Isle in 5 fragments: Delve Bosses, World Bosses, Public Dungeon Bosses, Volcanic Vents, “A Chance for Peace” quest (main story completion)

Favored: Pay 2 Power, Draw 1 card
Neutral: Pay 2 Power, Draw 1 card
Unfavored: Pay 2 Power, Draw 1 card
Red Eagle’s Patron ability allows you to draw a card–it’s very simple, but very effective for hitting extra combos.
The flavor of Red Eagle’s deck is about removing weak cards from your deck, allowing you to play stronger cards more often and hit combos more reliably.
Going all in on Red Eagle is not really possible. The deck is almost exclusively Contract cards, so you’ll need to pick up Coin and Power generators from other decks.
Deck acquired by earning “The Tribute Champion” achievement, which is finishing the Tales of Tribute quest storyline involving Brahgas.

Favored: Pay 3 Coin, Gain 1 Power for every 4 cards you own, Create a Maormer Boarding Party card
Neutral: Pay 3 Coin, Gain 1 Power for every 6 cards you own
Unfavored: Pay 2 Coin, Gain 2 Power
Orgnum’s Patron ability allows you to gain power, and the bigger your deck, the more power you can get. This can be very useful for dealing with agents or for racing towards victory.
The flavor of Orgnum’s deck is about Prestige and Power. Cheap Contract cards can often trigger combos even in a low-coin match. Generating Maormer Boarding Party cards can allow you to march towards 40 Prestige even without other resources.
Going all in on Orgnum will leave you very much hurting for economy. Your opponent may be able to slow you down with Agents or to strengthen their deck more quickly than you can generate Prestige each turn.
Deck acquired by defeating the 5 Founders. These aren’t very easy to find, so locations are marked here.

Tribute Founder Fillia is in a the Sweetbreeze Cottage hut in Grahtwood

Tribute Founder Murzaga is in Ravenwatch Castle (up a floor) in Rivenspire

Tribute Founder Nhorhim is in a cave in Eastmarch. Cave entrance is marked, then proceed deep down to find him.

Tribute Founder Linyia is in a down in a pit in Craglorn at the entrance of Shada’s Tear

Tribute Founder The Author is in Hollow City (pavilion next to the stables) in Coldharbour. This is the final Founder match!

Favored: Pay 3 Coin, Create a Bewilderment card for your opponent
Neutral: Pay 3 Coin, Create a Bewilderment card for your opponent
Unfavored: Pay 3 Coin, Create a Bewilderment card for your opponent
Rajhin’s Patron ability allows you to fill your opponent’s deck with nasty Bewilderment cards–they are deadweight in the deck and a pain to remove.
The flavor of Rajhin’s deck is mostly about big Coin, countering Agents, and sapping your opponent’s Prestige.
Going all in on Rajhin can allow you to reliably knock out Agents. Rajhin’s Agents don’t generate much Coin, so you need to balance your economy. Hitting the 3-4 card combos is very strong but also incredibly difficult to pull off.
Deck acquired by earning the “Flower of Chivalry” achievement in High Isle. This is basically doing all the High Isle side quests as well as “A Final Peace” which is a random daily delve quest.

Favored: Pay 2 Power, Remove up to 2 cards from the Tavern. Passively hit Combo 4 Druid King to create The Chimera
Neutral: Pay 2 Power, Remove up to 2 cards from the Tavern. Passively hit Combo 5 Druid King to create The Chimera
Unfavored: Pay 2 Power, Remove up to 2 cards from the Tavern
Druid King’s Patron ability let’s you manipulate the Tavern. This can either be used to give yourself more options or to deny your opponent something strong. If you can get the super combo, The Chimera is an extremely powerful agent that may well signal the end of the match.
The flavor of Druid King’s deck is about Agents with persistent effects and the potential for insane amounts of Coin.
Going all in on Druid King can be a good way to try to summon The Chimera or to hit the big combos necessary to generate Coin. However, not hitting combos will leave you economy starved, and the Agents are relatively weak on their own
Deck acquired with Galen (Firesong DLC) in 5 fragments: Delve Bosses, World Bosses, Volcanic Vents, “The Best of Friends” achievement, “The Dream of Kasorayn” quest (near end of main zone story)

Favored: Pay 1 Coin and discard a card to look at the top 5 cards of your opponent’s draw pile and move 1 to their cooldown pile
Neutral: Discard a card to look at the top 4 cards of your opponent’s draw pile and move 1 to their cooldown pile
Unfavored: Pay 1 Coin to look at the top 3 cards of your opponent’s draw pile and move 1 to their cooldown pile
Almalexia’s Patron ability is versatile and often lets you use move powerful cards to your opponent’s cooldown. This can also be very effective at breaking up combos.
The flavor of Almalexia’s deck is about discarding weak cards in your hand for stronger cards or combos from your deck. Confining your opponent’s strong cards can deny critical combos.
Going all in on Almalexia may have you cycling your whole deck with Donate but not generating many resources
Deck acquired with Necrom (Telvanni Peninsula and Apocrypha) in 5 fragments: Delve Bosses, World Bosses, Public Dungeon Bosses, Wandering Bosses, “Llaro’s Headache” quest (Retainer Balver quest giver southwest of Necrom)

Core play is to make your deck stronger by using your resources effectively. This can be from buying strong cards, especially ones you are most likely to combo. The Tavern is quite fluid later in the game and your aim is to open up good opportunities for yourself and deny clutch cards to your opponent. Remove weak cards from your deck when you can. Avoid buying too many cards.
Aside from unlocking decks and card upgrades, many rewards can be earned and used outside of Tribute matches.
Cardsharp Crimson (Roister’s Club Master achievement, play matches to gain rank)
Patron’s Gold (Tales of Tribute Master achievement, get all the decks and complete the quest and rank up)
Roister’s Cerulean (Tales of Travel achievement, play NPC matches in the various zones)
Brahgas house guest (Tales of Tribute Master achievement, get all the decks and complete the quest and rank up )
Captain Kaleen house guest (Memories of the Spearhead achievement, open Tribute purse rewards)
Tales of Tribute Decks, Display gallery furnishing (Deck Builder achievement, earn the first 8 decks)
Tales of Tribute Table, Display gallery furnishing (Roister’s Club Master achievement, play matches to gain rank)
Tribute Trophy, Orichalcum/Ebony/Quicksilver/Voidsteel/Rubedite (earnable each season through ranked PVP play)
Card Conjuring (Card Conjurer achievement, open Tribute purse rewards)
Sapphire Heraldry Horn 1 (Founder’s Foe achievement, unlock Orgnum deck)
Sapphire Heraldry Horn 2 (Tribute Tactician achievement, must earn and use the first 8 decks )
Sapphire Heraldry Horn 3 (High Roller achievement, play 100 ranked matches)
Cardsharp (Ebony Roister achievement, reach Ebony in ranked PVP play)
Club Contender (Quicksilver Roister achievement, reach Quicksilver in ranked PVP play)
Club Virtuoso (Tribute Tactician achievement, must earn and use the first 8 decks )
Game-Baron (Rubedite Roister achievement, reach Rubedite in ranked PVP play)
High-Stakes Gambler (Voidsteel Roister achievement, reach Voidsteel in ranked PVP play)
Roister’s Club Adept (Roister’s Club Adept achievement, play matches to gain rank)
Roister’s Club Expert (Roister’s Club Expert achievement, play matches to gain rank)
Roister’s Club Initiate (Roister’s Club Initiate achievement, play matches to gain rank)
Roister’s Club Novice (Roister’s Club Novice achievement, play matches to gain rank)
Roister’s Club Regular (Roister’s Club Regular achievement, play matches to gain rank)
Roister’s Club Trainee (Roister’s Club Trainee achievement, play matches to gain rank)
Roister’s Club Veteran (Roister’s Club Veteran achievement, play matches to gain rank)
In addition to the deck of neutral Treasury cards, each player will add their 2 selected decks to the shared tavern draw pile. Upgrades in each deck are based on the selecting player’s unlocked upgrades. While potentially overwhelming at first, there really aren’t many cards per deck.
The below table can be sorted at the top by various columns. Green text indicates While In Play effects.
Patron | Card Name | Type | Coin Cost | Play Effect | Combo 2 | Combo 3 | Combo 4 | Base Qty | Upgraded Qty |
Almalexia | Collection Plate | Action | 0 | 1 Coin | – | Donate 1 | – | 1 | 1 |
Almalexia | ALMSIVI’s Charity | Action | 5 | 1 Power AND HandRefresh 1 | 1 Coin | – | – | 0 | 1 |
Almalexia | Mother’s Mercy | Action | 5 | 1 Power AND HandRefresh 1 | – | – | – | 2 | 1 |
Almalexia | Festival of Forbearance | Action | 4 | 2 Coin AND Donate 1 | 1 Power AND Donate 1 | – | – | 0 | 2 |
Almalexia | Bardic Veneration | Action | 4 | 2 Coin AND Donate 1 | Donate 1 | – | – | 3 | 1 |
Almalexia | Hand of Almalexia | Contract Agent: 3 HP | 6 | 1 Power | Confine 2 | – | – | 0 | 2 |
Almalexia | Devotional Gaoler | Contract Agent: 3 HP | 6 | 1 Power | Confine 1 | Confine 1 | – | 3 | 1 |
Almalexia | Mercymother Elite | Agent: 5HP+Taunt | 8 | 1 Coin | Patron 1 | – | – | 0 | 1 |
Almalexia | Tribunal Sentinel | Agent: 5HP+Taunt | 8 | – | Patron 1 | – | – | 2 | 1 |
Almalexia | Mournhold Clergy | Contract Agent: 3 HP | 6 | 2 Prestige/Discard | Donate 1 and Confine 1 | – | – | 2 | 2 |
Almalexia | Philanthropy | Action | 3 | 1 Power/Discard AND 1 Coin | Donate 1 | Donate 1 | – | 3 | 3 |
Almalexia | Temple Arbiter | Agent: 2 HP | 6 | 2 Coin | Confine 1 | Confine 1 | – | 2 | 2 |
Almalexia | The Lesson of Ayem | Action | 5 | Donate 1 | Draw 1 | Donate 1 | – | 3 | 3 |
Hunding | Way of the Sword | Action | 0 | Choose: 1 Coin OR 1 Power | – | – | – | 1 | 1 |
Hunding | Ansei’s Victory | Action | 9 | Choose: 6 Power OR Acquire 10 | – | – | – | 0 | 1 |
Hunding | Ansei Assault | Action | 9 | Choose: 5 Power OR Acquire 9 | – | – | – | 2 | 1 |
Hunding | Grand Oratory | Contract Action | 3 | Choose: 2 Power OR DrawRefresh 1 | 2 Coin | – | – | 0 | 2 |
Hunding | Battle Meditation | Contract Action | 3 | Choose: 2 Power OR DrawRefresh 1 | – | – | – | 3 | 1 |
Hunding | Hel Shira Herald | Agent: 3HP | 6 | DrawRefresh 2 | 1 Power | – | – | 0 | 2 |
Hunding | No Shira Poet | Agent: 3HP | 6 | DrawRefresh 1 | 1 Power | – | – | 3 | 1 |
Hunding | Hira’s End | Action | 6 | Choose: 4 Power OR DrawRefresh 3 | 2 Power | – | – | 0 | 2 |
Hunding | March on Hattu | Action | 6 | Choose: 4 Power OR DrawRefresh 3 | 1 Power | – | – | 3 | 1 |
Hunding | Conquest | Action | 4 | Choose: 3 Power OR Acquire 4 | 1 Power | – | – | 3 | 3 |
Hunding | Shehai Summoning | Action | 5 | Choose: DrawRefresh 2 OR Acquire 5 | DrawRefresh 1 | – | – | 3 | 3 |
Hunding | Warrior Wave | Action | 4 | Choose: 3 Coin OR 3 Power | – | – | – | 3 | 3 |
Crows | Peck | Action | 0 | 1 Coin | – | – | – | 1 | 1 |
Crows | Blackfeather Knave | Agent: 2HP | 6 | 2 Coin | – | Draw 1 | – | 0 | 1 |
Crows | Blackfeather Brigand | Agent: 2HP | 6 | 1 Coin | – | Draw 1 | – | 2 | 1 |
Crows | Murder of Crows | Action | 4 | 1 Coin | 2 Coin AND 2 Power | 2 Power | – | 0 | 2 |
Crows | Scratch | Action | 4 | 1 Coin | 2 Coin AND 2 Power | – | – | 4 | 2 |
Crows | Plunder | Action | 6 | Draw 1 | – | Draw 1 | Draw 1 | 0 | 1 |
Crows | Pilfer | Action | 6 | Draw 1 | – | Draw 1 | – | 2 | 1 |
Crows | Toll of Silver | Action | 4 | 2 Coin | Draw 1 | 1 Coin | – | 0 | 2 |
Crows | Toll of Flesh | Action | 4 | 2 Coin | Draw 1 | – | – | 4 | 2 |
Crows | Blackfeather Knight | Agent: 3HP | 6 | 1 Coin | – | 2 Coin AND 2 Power | – | 2 | 2 |
Crows | Law of Sovereign Roost | Contract Action | 4 | Draw 1 | – | Discard 1 | – | 2 | 2 |
Crows | Pool of Shadow | Action | 4 | 2 Power | Draw 1 | – | 3 Coin | 2 | 2 |
Crows | Squawking Oratory | Action | 6 | Draw 1 | – | Draw 1 | 4 Power | 2 | 2 |
Hlaalu | Goods Shipment | Action | 0 | 1 Coin | – | – | – | 1 | 1 |
Hlaalu | Ebony Mine | Contract Action | 3 | 2 Coin | – | 4 Coin | – | 0 | 2 |
Hlaalu | Kwama Egg Mine | Contract Action | 3 | 2 Coin | – | 3 Coin | – | 3 | 1 |
Hlaalu | Hlaalu Councilor | Agent: 2HP | 10 | Acquire 9 | Replace 1 | – | – | 0 | 1 |
Hlaalu | Hlaalu Kinsman | Agent: 1HP | 10 | Acquire 9 | Replace 1 | – | – | 2 | 1 |
Hlaalu | House Embassy | Action | 8 | 7 Coin | Acquire 7 | – | – | 0 | 1 |
Hlaalu | House Marketplace | Action | 8 | 6 Coin | Acquire 7 | – | – | 2 | 1 |
Hlaalu | Oathman | Agent: 2HP | 6 | 2 Coin | Acquire 6 | – | – | 0 | 2 |
Hlaalu | Hireling | Agent: 2HP | 6 | 2 Coin | Acquire 5 | – | – | 3 | 1 |
Hlaalu | Currency Exchange | Action | 7 | Replace 1 AND 5 Coin | Patron 1 | – | – | 2 | 2 |
Hlaalu | Customs Seizure | Action | 4 | Acquire 5 | – | – | – | 3 | 3 |
Hlaalu | Hostile Takeover | Action | 5 | 1 Power | Acquire 7 | – | – | 2 | 2 |
Hlaalu | Luxury Exports | Action | 2 | 3 Coin | – | – | – | 3 | 3 |
Celarus | Mainland Inquiries | Action | 0 | 1 Coin | – | – | – | 1 | 1 |
Celarus | Augur’s Counsel | Contract Action | 3 | Toss 3 | 2 Power | – | – | 0 | 2 |
Celarus | Sage Counsel | Contract Action | 3 | Toss 3 | 1 Power | – | – | 3 | 1 |
Celarus | Ceporah’s Insight | Action | 5 | Replace 1 AND Toss 4 | 3 Power | – | – | 0 | 1 |
Celarus | Psijic’s Insight | Action | 5 | Replace 1 AND Toss 4 | 2 Power | – | – | 2 | 1 |
Celarus | Prophesy | Action | 4 | 3 Coin AND Replace 2 | – | – | – | 0 | 2 |
Celarus | Prescience | Action | 4 | 3 Coin AND Replace 1 | – | – | – | 3 | 1 |
Celarus | Psijic Relicmaster | Agent: 3HP | 6 | 1 Coin AND Toss 4 | – | – | – | 0 | 1 |
Celarus | Psijic Apprentice | Agent: 3HP | 6 | Toss 4 | – | – | – | 2 | 1 |
Celarus | Scrying Globe | Action | 2 | 2 Coin AND Toss 2 | – | – | – | 4 | 4 |
Celarus | The Dreaming Cave | Action | 6 | Draw 1 AND Toss 4 | 2 Power | – | – | 3 | 3 |
Celarus | Time Mastery | Action | 3 | Toss 4 | 2 Coin | – | – | 3 | 3 |
Rajhin | Swipe | Action | 0 | 1 Coin | – | – | – | 1 | 1 |
Rajhin | Grand Larceny | Action | 5 | 4 Coin | KnockOut 1 AND -1 Prestige | – | – | 0 | 2 |
Rajhin | Pounce and Profit | Action | 5 | 4 Coin | KnockOut 1 | – | – | 3 | 1 |
Rajhin | Prowling Shadow | Agent: 1HP | 4 | 2 Coin | -1 Prestige | – | – | 0 | 2 |
Rajhin | Jeering Shadow | Agent: 1HP | 4 | 1 Coin | -1 Prestige | – | – | 3 | 1 |
Rajhin | Ring’s Guile | Contract Action | 7 | Discard 1 | Draw 1 | Discard 1 AND Draw 1 | – | 0 | 1 |
Rajhin | Bag of Tricks | Contract Action | 7 | Discard 1 | Draw 1 | Discard 1 | – | 2 | 1 |
Rajhin | Shadow’s Slumber | Action | 7 | KnockOut 2 AND 1 Coin | 4 Coin | Discard 1 | – | 0 | 1 |
Rajhin | Jarring Lullaby | Action | 7 | KnockOut 2 AND 1 Coin | 3 Coin | Discard 1 | – | 2 | 1 |
Rajhin | Moonlit Illusion | Contract Action | 3 | Destroy 1 | – | -1 Prestige | – | 3 | 3 |
Rajhin | Slight of Hand | Action | 2 | 2 Coin | Replace 1 | – | – | 3 | 3 |
Rajhin | Stubborn Shadow | Agent: 3HP+Taunt | 6 | – | -2 Prestige | – | – | 3 | 3 |
Rajhin | Twilight Revelry | Action | 10 | Discard 1 | Replace 3 | -3 Prestige | Draw 3 | 1 | 1 |
Red Eagle | War Song | Action | 0 | 1 Power | – | – | – | 1 | 1 |
Red Eagle | Blood Sacrifice | Contract Action | 6 | Destroy 1 AND 3 Power | Draw 1 | – | – | 0 | 1 |
Red Eagle | Bloody Offering | Contract Action | 6 | Destroy 1 AND 2 Power | Draw 1 | – | – | 2 | 1 |
Red Eagle | Elder Witch | Contract Agent: 3HP | 6 | Destroy 1 | Replace 1 | – | – | 0 | 2 |
Red Eagle | Clan-Witch | Contract Agent: 3HP | 6 | Destroy 1 | – | – | – | 3 | 1 |
Red Eagle | Hagraven Matron | Agent: 3HP | 9 | Destroy 1 | 3 Power | – | – | 0 | 1 |
Red Eagle | Hagraven | Agent: 3HP | 9 | Destroy 1 | 1 Power | – | – | 2 | 1 |
Red Eagle | Imperial Plunder | Contract Action | 3 | Replace 2 | 2 Coin | – | – | 0 | 2 |
Red Eagle | Imperial Spoils | Contract Action | 3 | Replace 2 | 1 Coin | – | – | 3 | 1 |
Red Eagle | Bonfire | Contract Action | 3 | Destroy 1 | – | – | – | 3 | 3 |
Red Eagle | Briarheart Ritual | Contract Action | 5 | 1 Power AND Destroy 2 | – | – | – | 2 | 2 |
Red Eagle | Karth Man-Hunter | Contract Agent: 2HP | 5 | 1 Power | Destroy 1 | – | – | 2 | 2 |
Red Eagle | Midnight Raid | Action | 4 | 3 Power | 2 Power | – | – | 3 | 3 |
Pelin | Fortify | Action | 0 | 1 Power | – | – | – | 1 | 1 |
Pelin | Knight Commander | Agent: 5HP+Taunt | 9 | 3 Power | Heal 2 | – | – | 0 | 1 |
Pelin | Banneret | Agent: 5HP+Taunt | 9 | 3 Power | – | – | – | 2 | 1 |
Pelin | Knights of Saint Pelin | Agent: 4HP+Taunt | 7 | 1 Coin AND 1 Power | 1 Power | – | – | 0 | 1 |
Pelin | Bangkorai Sentries | Agent: 4HP+Taunt | 7 | 1 Coin AND 1 Power | – | – | – | 2 | 1 |
Pelin | Legion’s Arrival | Action | 3 | 2 Coin | 3 Power | – | – | 0 | 2 |
Pelin | Reinforcements | Action | 3 | 2 Coin | 2 Power | 1 Power | – | 3 | 1 |
Pelin | Siege Weapon Volley | Action | 4 | 4 Power | 1 Coin | – | – | 0 | 2 |
Pelin | Archer’s Volley | Action | 4 | 3 Power | 1 Coin | – | – | 4 | 2 |
Pelin | Rally | Action | 8 | 6 Power | Draw 1 | – | – | 2 | 2 |
Pelin | Shield Bearer | Contract Agent: 5HP+Taunt | 6 | 1 Power | – | – | – | 2 | 2 |
Pelin | The Armory | Action | 6 | 1 Coin AND 5 Power | – | – | – | 2 | 2 |
Pelin | The Portcullis | Action | 2 | 2 Power | 1 Coin | – | – | 3 | 3 |
Orgnum | Sea Elf Raid | Action | 0 | 1 Coin | – | 1 Power | – | 1 | 1 |
Orgnum | Pyandonean War Fleet | Action | 3 | 2 Power | – | 3 Power | – | 0 | 2 |
Orgnum | Serpentprow Schooner | Action | 3 | 2 Power | – | 2 Power | – | 3 | 1 |
Orgnum | Sea Serpent Colossus | Action | 2 | 1 Coin AND 1 Prestige | 2 Power | – | – | 0 | 2 |
Orgnum | Ghostscale Sea Serpent | Action | 2 | 1 Coin AND 1 Prestige | 1 Power | – | – | 3 | 1 |
Orgnum | Serpentguard Rider | Agent: 2HP | 5 | 2 Power | 1 Power AND Replace 1 | – | – | 0 | 2 |
Orgnum | Storm Shark Wavecaller | Agent: 2HP | 5 | 2 Power | Replace 1 | – | – | 3 | 1 |
Orgnum | Summerset Sacking | Action | 2 | 1 Prestige | 1 Prestige | 1 Coin | – | 0 | 2 |
Orgnum | Maormer Boarding Party | Action | 2 | 1 Prestige | 1 Prestige | – | – | 3 | 1 |
Orgnum | King Orgnum’s Command | Contract Action | 2 | Patron 1 | – | – | – | 2 | 2 |
Orgnum | Maormer Cutter | Contract Action | 2 | 1 Power | 1 Power | 2 Power | – | 2 | 2 |
Orgnum | Sea Raider’s Glory | Contract Action | 2 | 1 Prestige | – | 3 Prestige | – | 2 | 2 |
Orgnum | Snakeskin Freebooter | Agent: 3HP | 5 | 1 Coin | Boarding 1 | – | – | 2 | 2 |
Druid King | Ritual Herbs | Action | 0 | 1 Coin | – | – | – | 1 | 1 |
Druid King | Draoife Ritecaller | Agent: 3HP | 6 | 1 Coin AND 1 Coin/Cooldown | Wispheart 1 | – | – | 0 | 1 |
Druid King | Eldertide Fenwitch | Agent: 3HP | 6 | 1 Coin AND 1 Coin/Cooldown | Wispcalller 1 | – | – | 2 | 1 |
Druid King | Druid King Vestments | Action | 2 | 2 Coin AND 1 Power/Cooldown | – | – | – | 0 | 2 |
Druid King | Runes of the Draoife | Action | 2 | 2 Coin AND 1 Power/AgentCooldown | – | – | – | 3 | 1 |
Druid King | Envoy of the Draoife | Agent: 3HP | 5 | 1 Power AND 1 Coin/Agent | – | – | – | 0 | 2 |
Druid King | Stonelore Rockseer | Agent: 2HP | 5 | 1 Power AND 1 Coin/Agent | – | – | – | 3 | 1 |
Druid King | Wispheart Totem | Action | 3 | 1 Coin | 2 Coin | 2 Coin | 3 Coin | 0 | 2 |
Druid King | Wispcaller Totem | Action | 3 | 1 Coin | 2 Coin | – | 3 Coin | 3 | 1 |
Druid King | Deepwoods Ritual | Action | 4 | 2 Power | Replace 1 | 3 Prestige | – | 2 | 2 |
Druid King | Firesong Haruspex | Agent: 2HP | 5 | 1 Prestige AND 1 Coin AND 1 Prestige/AgentCooldown | – | – | – | 3 | 3 |
Druid King | Forest Wraith | Contract Agent: 3HP | 4 | 1 Power AND 1 Power/Cooldown | – | – | – | 2 | 2 |
Druid King | The Chimera | Agent: 5HP+Taunt | 0 | – | Replace 1 | 2 Power | 3 Prestige | 0 | 0 |
Druid King | Whispers of the Grove | Contract Action | 2 | Replace 1 | – | 2 Coin | – | 2 | 2 |
Neutral | Gold | Action | 0 | 1 Coin | – | – | – | 6 | 6 |
Neutral | Ambush | Contract Action | 3 | KnockOut 2 | – | – | – | 1 | 1 |
Neutral | Barterer | Contract Action | 1 | Replace 1 | – | – | – | 4 | 4 |
Neutral | Black Sacrament | Contract Action | 2 | KnockOut 1 | – | – | – | 3 | 3 |
Neutral | Blackmail | Contract Action | 3 | 2 Power | – | – | – | 2 | 2 |
Neutral | Harvest Season | Contract Action | 2 | Draw 1 | – | – | – | 3 | 3 |
Neutral | Imprisonment | Contract Action | 5 | 4 Power | – | – | – | 3 | 3 |
Neutral | Ragpicker | Contract Action | 3 | Destroy 1 | – | – | – | 2 | 2 |
Neutral | Tithe | Contract Action | 3 | Patron 1 | – | – | – | 2 | 2 |
Coin, gain coin to spend on Tavern cards or to activate Patrons (Crows/Celarus/Rajhin/Orgnum)
Power, gain power to knock out Agents or to activate Patrons (Pelin/Hunding/RedEagle/DruidKing); extra Power becomes Prestige at the end of your turn
Prestige, gain Prestige directly; hitting 40 Prestige usually triggers the end of the game
Draw, place the top card from your Draw Pile into your Hand; this will be random unless you’ve placed cards on top or otherwise looked at them
Replace, remove cards from the Tavern, which will be replaced with random ones from the Tavern Draw; this gives you more options
Patron, gives an extra Patron interaction this turn; only a few cards give this, but it makes Patron Victory much more likely
Knock Out, removes active agents from the field
Acquire, mostly associated with Hlaalu, gain a card from the Tavern up to the stated cost
Toss, unique to Celarus, look at the top cards of your deck and move whichever you like to your Cooldown
Draw Refresh, unique to Hunding, place a card from your Cooldown to the top of your Draw Pile
Destroy, unique to Red Eagle, remove a card from your Played Cards pile from play, gone forever!
(-)Prestige, unique to Rajhin, reduce your opponent’s Prestige directly, slowing their pace to victory. If they hit 40, and you get them under, the game isn’t over yet!
Confine, unique to Almalexia, place a card from your opponent’s cooldown under the agent that has this effect. They will be liberated when the agent is killed. Try to pick the strongest cards that you can.
Donate, unique to Almalexia, discard a card from your hand and then draw a card. This doesn’t do anything if you have no cards in your hand, so be careful to save some of your less useful cards for donations!
Important note is that when a card says “Up to”, this can include 0, so just hit Confirm to bypass the mechanic if you’re feeling good with things as they are.
Unique Effects:
Heal, unique to Knight Commander from Pelin, this agent will restore up to 2 health in a combo, which makes it a bit tougher to deal with if your opponent can’t kill it outright.
Boarding Party, unique to Snakeskin Freebooter from Orgnum, this will generate a Maormer Boarding Party card that gets added to your Cooldown. This can either keep combos going on a quick path to 40 Prestige, or it might really slow you down.
Coin per Agent Activated, unique to Stonelore Rockseer and upgraded Envoy of the Draoife from Druid King, you gain 1 Coin per Agent that is activated, which includes your opponent’s turn! If your opponent has these out, best to try to kill them before you play your own agents.
Coin per Card placed in Cooldown, unique to Eldertide Fenwitch and upgraded Draoife Ritecaller from Druid King, gain 1 Coin every time you place a card in your Cooldown. This is especially potent coupled with Toss and Donate effects. This also includes purchasing cards from the Tavern, upgrading to a Writ of Coin, or even receiving Bewilderment cards!
Power per Card placed in Cooldown, unique to Forest Wraith from Druid King, gain 1 Power every time you place a card in your Cooldown. This is especially potent coupled with Toss and Donate effects. This also includes purchasing cards from the Tavern, upgrading to a Writ of Coin, or even receiving Bewilderment cards!
Power per Agent placed in Cooldown, unique to Runes of the Draoife from Druid King, you gain 1 Power whenever an agent is placed in your cooldown, which is normally from buying them from the Tavern.
Prestige per Agent placed in Cooldown, unique to Firesong Haruspex from Druid King, you gain 1 Prestige whenever an agent is placed in your cooldown, which includes when your opponent knocks them out.
Wispcaller Totem, unique to Eldertide Fenwitch from Druid King, this creates a Wispcaller Totem card. Getting many of these can give you massive Coin and potentially summon The Chimera.
Wispheart Totem, unique to Draoife Ritecaller from Druid King, this creates a Wispheart Totem card. Getting many of these can give you extremely massive Coin and potentially summon The Chimera. Try to keep in mind that HEART is the best! <3
Power per Discard, unique to Philanthropy from Almalexia, gain 1 Power every time you Discard a card–this is usually self-procced from Donate effects, but there are additional ways that cards are considered Discard.
Hand Refresh, unique to Mother’s Mercy and upgraded ALMSIVI’s Charity from Almalexia), this returns a card from your Cooldown directly to your hand! This is incredibly powerful since you can pick the most useful card from your Cooldown. You could also purchase something from the Tavern and immediately gain access to it. This effect whiffs if there’s nothing in your Cooldown, so be careful.
About 1/2 the cards are upgraded automatically through various achievements, while 1/2 are earned through cryptic clues. Many of these drop from mailed rewards for completing matches. The clues aren’t always easy to figure out, so here are maps for the various clues.
Once you have upgraded a card, you will see it as part of the deck if you select the corresponding Patron. Since these are part of a shared pool, they don’t necessarily give you an advantage over your opponent, though you will have more assurance that combos from that deck will be stronger.