Witches Festival Event Ticket Grab Bags

Witches Festival features a variety of event-exclusive items from the Impressario, including several items from past events that no longer drop. These are obtained by purchasing the Witches Grab Bag–these are curated and Bind on Pickup and will give you collectibles you need until you have them all. Alternatively, tradeable versions from prior events are still floating around and can sometimes be purchased at favorable prices and are also available at all times instead of just during the event.

The below table includes one-click copyable IDs for in-game reference, and TTC links are included to check on pricing and availability. Updated for 2024

Item ID
TTC Link
Apple-Bobbing Aged Fetid FishCopyIDNA | EU
Apple-Bobbing Cold Iron CauldronCopyIDNA | EU
Apple-Bobbing Fenwood LadleCopyIDNA | EU
Apple-Bobbing Fresh GorapplesCopyIDNA | EU
Apple-Bobbing Poise GuideCopyIDNA | EU
Apple-Bobbing Stale Creek WaterCopyIDNA | EU
Apple-Bobbing Viscous SlimeCopyIDNA | EU
Bonedust Pigment (x10)CopyIDNA | EU
Possessed Shred (x10)CopyIDNA | EU
Rune-Carved Bone Fragment (x10)CopyIDNA | EU
Runebox: Face-Eating Tome MementoCopyIDNA | EU
Runebox: Ghastly Visitation MementoCopyIDNA | EU
Runebox: Hollowjack Spectre MaskCopyIDNA | EU
Runebox: Marshmallow Toasty Treat EmoteCopyIDNA | EU
Runebox: Pumpkin Spectre MaskCopyIDNA | EU
Runebox: Scarecrow Spectre MaskCopyIDNA | EU
Runebox: Thicketman Spectre MaskCopyIDNA | EU
Runebox: Witch’s Bonfire MementoCopyIDNA | EU
Skeletal Marionette Parts (x10)CopyIDNA | EU
Style Page: Grave Dancer AxeCopyIDNA | EU
Style Page: Grave Dancer Battle AxeCopyIDNA | EU
Style Page: Grave Dancer BowCopyIDNA | EU
Style Page: Grave Dancer DaggerCopyIDNA | EU
Style Page: Grave Dancer GreatswordCopyIDNA | EU
Style Page: Grave Dancer MaceCopyIDNA | EU
Style Page: Grave Dancer MaulCopyIDNA | EU
Style Page: Grave Dancer ShieldCopyIDNA | EU
Style Page: Grave Dancer StaffCopyIDNA | EU
Style Page: Grave Dancer SwordCopyIDNA | EU
Style Page: Witchmother’s Servant’s BreechesCopyIDNA | EU
Style Page: Witchmother’s Servant’s EpauletsCopyIDNA | EU
Style Page: Witchmother’s Servant’s GlovesCopyIDNA | EU
Style Page: Witchmother’s Servant’s HatCopyIDNA | EU
Style Page: Witchmother’s Servant’s JerkinCopyIDNA | EU
Style Page: Witchmother’s Servant’s SashCopyIDNA | EU
Style Page: Witchmother’s Servant’s ShoesCopyIDNA | EU