Useful information and interactable tables to help navigate ESO itemization and markets.
Golden Moosletter — updated monthly with market trends and event items, advanced trading tips
Basic guide to making gold — Introduction to the markets and how to get started
Style Page Table — Interactable table to help fill in missing event styles
Luxury Furnishing Table — Interactable table with the past calendar of weekend luxury furnishings
Furnishing Folio Table — Interactable table with the furnishing recipe contents from the Writ Voucher vendor
Crafting Motif Style Table — Interactable table with crafting motif pages and their sources
Style Materials Table — Interactable table with style materials and their corresponding motif styles
Fragments — Interactable table with event and public dungeon fragments
Anniversary Jubilee Grab Bags — Table with list of items that are part of the Bag of Jubilee Yesteryear
New Life Festival Grab Bags — Table with list of items that are part of the New Life Festival Grab Bag
Whitestrake’s Mayhem Grab Bags — Table with list of items that are part of the Bag of Veteran’s Glory
Witches Festival Grab Bags — Table with list of items that are part of the Witches Grab Bag