ESO Weekly Market Update: Midyear Mayhem

ESO Weekly Market Update: Midyear Mayhem!

Bringing you the latest in what’s hot in the in-game economy of the ESO and how to prep for events and changes. Special focus this week on Midyear Mayhem:

Released July 25, 2018

Included this week:

-Midyear Mayhem event details.

-Spot prices for Tempering Alloy, Dreugh Wax, Rosin, Kuta, Chromium Plating, and Zircon Plating with details of upcoming changes to jewelry crafting.

-State of the Writ Voucher market and expected new supply.

-Alliance Points and the expected increase due to Midyear Mayhem

-Valuable sets, including PVP sets.

-Introduction of new limited-time Ilambris collectibles.


From previous weeks:

Released July 18, 2018 with a focus on continued incremental changes from Wolfhunter


Released July 11, 2018 with a focus on the beginning of Wolfhunter on PTS

It’s a dynamic market, so relative prices will become less relevant as time goes on.

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