ESO Weekly Market Update: Mayhem, Orsinium, and Wolfhunter Impacts!

Special focus on Midyear Mayhem and upcoming Orsinium Celebration this week:

Included this week:
-Midyear Mayhem markets and how to access guild stores in Cyrodiil.

-Popular tradable PVP sets.

-Expected motif market impacts from the Orsinium event (August 2-13)

-Wolfhunter dates (Aug 13 & 28) — aroo!

-PTS changes to Alinor furnishing plans.

-Midyear Mayhem markets.

-Spot prices for Tempering Alloy, Dreugh Wax, Rosin, Kuta, Chromium Plating, and Zircon Plating.

-Crumbling state of the Writ Voucher market.

-Alliance Points and the price of Golden weekend jewelry.

-Maturation of the new Ilambris collectibles.

-Also, moo.

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