Housing Hike is touring player homes in the Elder Scrolls Online and looking at cool creations!
From August 3, 2018
GrottoMonster, August 3 Housing HikeFishy Kiss, August 3 Housing Hike
From July 27
Carnival Fireworks, July 27 Housing Hike
From July 20
Sleek Creek Ship, July 20 Housing HikeColdharbour Alinor Mansion, July 20 Housing HikeArgonian Waterfall, July 20 Housing Hike
From July 13
Aquarium, July 13 Housing HikeCoral Beach, July 13 Housing HikeTea Party, July 13 Housing HikeTerrarium, July 13 Housing Hike
Housing Hike is streamed every Friday night at twitch.tv/jhartellis, so be sure to follow. If you have a home you’ve been working on recently and want it included on the Hike, send a mail in-game to @JHartEllis
Velothi Altars, Urns, Podiums, and new Ash Gardens this week! 3 contestants use the latest luxury furnishings in The Elder Scrolls Online to make something creative in only 30 minutes! Fun quick-build challenge streamed at twitch.tv/jhartellis each week!
Luxury Furnishings this week:
Dark Elf Ash Garden, Familial 10,000g
Velothi Altar, Sacrificial 10,000g
Velothi Kneeler, Prayer 3,000g
Velothi Podium of Recitation 35,000g
Velothi Urn, Burial 10,000g
Twist! Contestants could also use Velothi Brazier, Temple this week to build–can be in three states: off, yellow, and blue!
Finished builds after 30 minutes: Lizzy’s Coliseumesque Tomb Durm’s Rocketship on Launchpad Skulllord’s King Kong on Empire State Building. WINNER!
Velothi items and a new Ancestral Tomb Brazier this week–extra challenge since the Cerecloth and Candle are invisible from the bottom!! 3 contestants use the latest luxury furnishings in The Elder Scrolls Online to make something creative in only 30 minutes! Fun quick-build challenge streamed at twitch.tv/jhartellis each week!
Luxury Furnishings this week:
Dark Elf Brazier, Ancestral Tomb 15,000g
Velothi Candle, Mourning 5,000g
Velothi Cerecloth, Prayer 5,000g
Velothi Seat, Meditation 10,000g
Velothi Shroud, Mourning 5,000g
Twist this week! Each contestant was given a super rare Velothi Triptych to work with!
Bringing you the latest in what’s hot in the in-game economy of the ESO and how to prep for events and changes. Special focus this week on Midyear Mayhem:
Released July 25, 2018
Included this week:
-Midyear Mayhem event details.
-Spot prices for Tempering Alloy, Dreugh Wax, Rosin, Kuta, Chromium Plating, and Zircon Plating with details of upcoming changes to jewelry crafting.
-State of the Writ Voucher market and expected new supply.
-Alliance Points and the expected increase due to Midyear Mayhem
-Valuable sets, including PVP sets.
-Introduction of new limited-time Ilambris collectibles.
From previous weeks:
Released July 18, 2018 with a focus on continued incremental changes from Wolfhunter
Released July 11, 2018 with a focus on the beginning of Wolfhunter on PTS
It’s a dynamic market, so relative prices will become less relevant as time goes on.
Creepy animated plants this week including the new Darkshade Glowstalks! 3 contestants use the latest luxury furnishings in The Elder Scrolls Online to make something creative in only 30 minutes! Fun quick-build challenge streamed at twitch.tv/jhartellis each week!
So many glowing plants this week including new Spiral Skein Glowstalks! 3 contestants use the latest luxury furnishings in The Elder Scrolls Online to make something creative in only 30 minutes! Fun quick-build challenge streamed at twitch.tv/jhartellis each week!
Two new Daedric items this week: Sealed Urns and Ritual Drinking Bowls! 3 contestants use the latest luxury furnishings in The Elder Scrolls Online to make something creative in only 30 minutes! Fun quick-build challenge streamed at twitch.tv/jhartellis each week!
Daedric items this week including Peryite Altars! 3 contestants use the latest luxury furnishings in The Elder Scrolls Online to make something creative in only 30 minutes! Fun quick-build challenge streamed at twitch.tv/jhartellis each week!
Luxury Furnishings this week:
Daedric Altar, Peryite 40,000g
Daedric Brazier, Ritual 25,000g
Daedric Platfrom, Sarcophagus 8,000g
Daedric Sarcophagus, Sealed 10,000g
Twist! No twist this week!
Small dwarven items this week including new hammers and popular animated crystal mechanisms! 3 contestants use the latest luxury furnishings in The Elder Scrolls Online to make something creative in only 30 minutes! Fun quick-build challenge streamed at twitch.tv/jhartellis each week!
Luxury Furnishings this week:
Dwarven Centurion Hammer, Detached 3,500g
Dwarven Crystal Mechanism 50,000g
Dwarven Orrery, Reference 25,000g
Dwarven Schematics, Technical 8,000g
Twist! Contestants were also able to build with a few Dwarven Chandelier, Caged this week in addition to the above luxury furnishings
Stonesedge (Winner, Fleet of Battleships)
Finished builds after 30 minutes: Xero’s Seaworthy Schematical Ship Ilsabet’s Dwemer Battleship Game stonesedge’s Fleet of Battleships. WINNER!