ESO Weekly Market Update: Pre-Wolfhunter!

Bringing you the latest in what’s hot in the in-game economy of the ESO and how to prep for events and changes. Special focus on Pre-Wolfhunter prep this week:

Included in the video:

Popular sets, including expected changes.

Keeping an eye on Culanda Lacquer and Daedra Heart.

Impacts of the Orsinium Celebration on Briarheart and motifs (ending Aug 13)

Spot prices for Tempering Alloy, Dreugh Wax, Rosin, Kuta, Chromium Plating, and Zircon Plating.

State of the Writ Voucher market and how to get more sealed jewelry writs.

Alliance Points market and the impacts from Midyear Mayhem.

And being on the lookout for last-last-minute Wolfhunter changes!

Also, aroo!

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ESO Weekly Market Update: Mayhem, Orsinium, and Wolfhunter Impacts!

Special focus on Midyear Mayhem and upcoming Orsinium Celebration this week:

Included this week:
-Midyear Mayhem markets and how to access guild stores in Cyrodiil.

-Popular tradable PVP sets.

-Expected motif market impacts from the Orsinium event (August 2-13)

-Wolfhunter dates (Aug 13 & 28) — aroo!

-PTS changes to Alinor furnishing plans.

-Midyear Mayhem markets.

-Spot prices for Tempering Alloy, Dreugh Wax, Rosin, Kuta, Chromium Plating, and Zircon Plating.

-Crumbling state of the Writ Voucher market.

-Alliance Points and the price of Golden weekend jewelry.

-Maturation of the new Ilambris collectibles.

-Also, moo.

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ESO Weekly Market Update: Midyear Mayhem!

Bringing you the latest in what’s hot in the in-game economy of the ESO and how to prep for events and changes. Special focus this week on Midyear Mayhem:

Released July 25, 2018

Included this week:

-Midyear Mayhem event details.

-Spot prices for Tempering Alloy, Dreugh Wax, Rosin, Kuta, Chromium Plating, and Zircon Plating with details of upcoming changes to jewelry crafting.

-State of the Writ Voucher market and expected new supply.

-Alliance Points and the expected increase due to Midyear Mayhem

-Valuable sets, including PVP sets.

-Introduction of new limited-time Ilambris collectibles.


From previous weeks:

Released July 18, 2018 with a focus on continued incremental changes from Wolfhunter


Released July 11, 2018 with a focus on the beginning of Wolfhunter on PTS

It’s a dynamic market, so relative prices will become less relevant as time goes on.

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